Monday, August 20, 2012

The Island Romance ch 1

Emma Bravo sighed as she hefted the golfbag over her shoulder. Living in Florida was not all it was cracked up to be. What was the good of living so close to Disneyworld and Universal and Sea World when you couldn't afford to go visit any of them, let alone drive over to the oceanfront for a swim?

Emma followed her golfer as he walked up onto the green.

She had been searching for a steady job in Sinkhole City... well, that wasn't the name of the town but that's how she thought of it...for several months.  She'd gotten jobs at a fast food restaurant and as a cashier in a Nickel and Dime store, which both paid minimum wage and which she'd hated. Finally the Job Service had suggested that the local Golf Course was looking for caddies, and as a woman she could probably do pretty well on tips as well as make minimum wage - but she had to be able to carry a 50-poound bag of golf clubs around over an 18-hole course.

Working outdoors? On a golf course? In her youth, she'd taken golf lessons in school. They had gone to a course once or twice but mainly they just practiced driving from a driving range, and she'd loved it. She watched golfing assiduously every weekend when it was in season (and when she wasn't working one of her two dead-end jobs). She watched both the men and the women impartially, though she did have a sneaking fondness for Phil 'the Thrill' Mickelson - he of the wild golf shots and miraculous saves.

She'd accepted the job with alacrity.

It had started out well...she'd loved being on the golf course and would have loved to be playing on it...but she spent all her time carrying the bag for other golfers. Most of them had been fine, though she'd gotten the occasional male chauvinist who'd been rude about her ability to keep up - which was just fine, thank you very much - she'd biked to and from her jobs every day for six months and was in top shape - he'd just wanted something to bitch about.

Tomorrow was Thursday, and the start of the Florida Open. She and all the other caddies had the day off. The rest of the caddies, all men, were driving over to Cape Canaveral to take a gambling cruise.

Emma had been asked, but turned it down. Go gambling instead of walking around the course watching the Pros play? As a caddy at the course, she had free entry to be a spectator to the event. She wasn't going to miss that chance!


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