Sunday, December 30, 2012
Thank you faithful readers!
I've missed a lot of time during December thanks to family things going on. I'm grateful to see that most of my subscribers have remained with me. Things should be returning to normal after Jan 1.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
New posting schedule
Now that I've got this new full-time job, I'll be posting in this blog twice a week - on Monday's and Wednesdays.
So the next post for this blog will be on Monday.
Thanks for your patience.
So the next post for this blog will be on Monday.
Thanks for your patience.
Friday, December 14, 2012
TechnoFish: Chapter 2
"Class," said Professor Phillip Droste, "Who among you has heard of the TechnoOcean corporation?"
Most of the students raised their hands.
Droste nodded. "I'm glad to see that. For the benefit of those of you who don't seem to know, TechnoOcean is the largest employer in Crystal Springs, Florida. They built research ships and underwater habitats. Some of you - if you maintain a 4.0 grade average - will probably be hired by TechnoOcean once you graduate."
Alex nodded. He knew all that - and that was his goal. To work for TechnoOcean - that was every oceanographer and engineer's dream
Droste continued. "This is the month when we'll be going out to TechnoOcean for a field trip. We've got over 500 folks in this class so we can't go all at once, of course. Every weekend, 100 of you will be going. On Saturday, 50 of you will go to their main facility - the one on Marlinspike Road, while the other fifty will go out on one of their research boats, and on Sunday, you'll reverse the process."
This is it! thought Alex excitedly. If he was in the same group as that girl...or could get into the same group - he could start an innocent conversation with her.
"Your schedule has been emailed to you," Droste finished. "Check your email after class, and it will give you the date and time when you're to show up here. You'll all be loaded onto buses and taken out to TechnoOcean.
Damn, thought Alex.
He'd hoped that Droste would have handed out a list of names, divided by the weekend on which their field trip was to occur. But privacy laws probably prevented that. Well...not to worry. He'd show up every Saturday, and if the girl was in line to get on one of the buses, he'd get on to!
Droste had started his lecture.
Alex turned his attention back to class.
Most of the students raised their hands.
Droste nodded. "I'm glad to see that. For the benefit of those of you who don't seem to know, TechnoOcean is the largest employer in Crystal Springs, Florida. They built research ships and underwater habitats. Some of you - if you maintain a 4.0 grade average - will probably be hired by TechnoOcean once you graduate."
Alex nodded. He knew all that - and that was his goal. To work for TechnoOcean - that was every oceanographer and engineer's dream
Droste continued. "This is the month when we'll be going out to TechnoOcean for a field trip. We've got over 500 folks in this class so we can't go all at once, of course. Every weekend, 100 of you will be going. On Saturday, 50 of you will go to their main facility - the one on Marlinspike Road, while the other fifty will go out on one of their research boats, and on Sunday, you'll reverse the process."
This is it! thought Alex excitedly. If he was in the same group as that girl...or could get into the same group - he could start an innocent conversation with her.
"Your schedule has been emailed to you," Droste finished. "Check your email after class, and it will give you the date and time when you're to show up here. You'll all be loaded onto buses and taken out to TechnoOcean.
Damn, thought Alex.
He'd hoped that Droste would have handed out a list of names, divided by the weekend on which their field trip was to occur. But privacy laws probably prevented that. Well...not to worry. He'd show up every Saturday, and if the girl was in line to get on one of the buses, he'd get on to!
Droste had started his lecture.
Alex turned his attention back to class.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
TechnoFish: Chapter 1
Present Day: Florida Marine Science University
The professor looked like a performing seal, Alex McAlpine thought to himself as he gazed down from his vantage point.
There was a bit of jealousy at work there. Professor Droste was tall, well-built, and dressed all in black. He was one of the most popular professors at Marine Science University - all the girls swooned over him.
Except the girl Alex McAlpine wanted. Well...maybe.
Alex risked a sideways glance. The lecture hall seated 500 students. The professor spoke from a stage-like platform, addressing students seated in the tiered rows of seats that stretched high over his head.
Alex hadn't intended to choose a "nose-bleed" seat when the semester had first started. Indeed, he preferred to sit in the first row of seats for all his classes. He was ambitious and he knew that all of his professors at Marine Science University were experts in their field. If he made a good impression on them, they could help his future career tremendously.
But he'd been delayed in getting to his Marine Law class, on that first day, and had been shocked to find that all of the front row seats had been filled. There were a handful of seats a few rows further up, but as he'd scanned the rows he'd seen a woman seated in the very top row - in the nosebleeds seats. There were four rows between her and the next row that had any students at all.
Alex had found this odd. Oh - he understood all about students wanting to sit as far away from the professor as possible. They didn't want to draw attention to themselves. But by choosing a position all alone in an otherwise empty series of rows, that was exactly what this girl was doing.
More than that, Alex recognized her.
There was a Seaworld in town, and he'd visited it a week or so before classes had started - having moved to the coastal city of Crystal Beach, Florida just a few weeks earlier to attend Marine Science University. And he'd seen her - she was one of the trainers working with the dolphins. Not the presenter, who'd not only been beautiful and blonde but also smiling and cheerful. This girl was beautiful too...she'd had a cap of black hair over an ivory-white face, but she'd never smiled... well...she had smiled...but only at the dolphins.
Intrigued, Alex had climbed up to the nosebleed seats opposite her, so he could look at her across the room without her noticing him.
He'd never seen her smile, he thought now. Her head was bent over her notebook and she was taking notes, her face expressionless. Occasionally Professor Droste would make a joke, which would draw a chuckle from most of the students in the class. Even from Alex. But he'd glanced at her a few times during these chuckle-fests...and he'd never even seen her twitch her lips upward in the ghost of a smile.
Now, after a month, he wished he'd been smarter to start with. He'd like to sit next to her and talk to her...but if he did it now, it'd be soo conspicuous. But if he'd done it on that first day - sat next to her - it would have been natural. He could have made some joke about liking to watch performing seals from a great height, the better to take in their performance...something like that, anyway.
But he'd missed his opportunity and now all he could do was sit and glance at her occasionally from across the room.
But one day, he day...
The professor looked like a performing seal, Alex McAlpine thought to himself as he gazed down from his vantage point.
There was a bit of jealousy at work there. Professor Droste was tall, well-built, and dressed all in black. He was one of the most popular professors at Marine Science University - all the girls swooned over him.
Except the girl Alex McAlpine wanted. Well...maybe.
Alex risked a sideways glance. The lecture hall seated 500 students. The professor spoke from a stage-like platform, addressing students seated in the tiered rows of seats that stretched high over his head.
Alex hadn't intended to choose a "nose-bleed" seat when the semester had first started. Indeed, he preferred to sit in the first row of seats for all his classes. He was ambitious and he knew that all of his professors at Marine Science University were experts in their field. If he made a good impression on them, they could help his future career tremendously.
But he'd been delayed in getting to his Marine Law class, on that first day, and had been shocked to find that all of the front row seats had been filled. There were a handful of seats a few rows further up, but as he'd scanned the rows he'd seen a woman seated in the very top row - in the nosebleeds seats. There were four rows between her and the next row that had any students at all.
Alex had found this odd. Oh - he understood all about students wanting to sit as far away from the professor as possible. They didn't want to draw attention to themselves. But by choosing a position all alone in an otherwise empty series of rows, that was exactly what this girl was doing.
More than that, Alex recognized her.
There was a Seaworld in town, and he'd visited it a week or so before classes had started - having moved to the coastal city of Crystal Beach, Florida just a few weeks earlier to attend Marine Science University. And he'd seen her - she was one of the trainers working with the dolphins. Not the presenter, who'd not only been beautiful and blonde but also smiling and cheerful. This girl was beautiful too...she'd had a cap of black hair over an ivory-white face, but she'd never smiled... well...she had smiled...but only at the dolphins.
Intrigued, Alex had climbed up to the nosebleed seats opposite her, so he could look at her across the room without her noticing him.
He'd never seen her smile, he thought now. Her head was bent over her notebook and she was taking notes, her face expressionless. Occasionally Professor Droste would make a joke, which would draw a chuckle from most of the students in the class. Even from Alex. But he'd glanced at her a few times during these chuckle-fests...and he'd never even seen her twitch her lips upward in the ghost of a smile.
Now, after a month, he wished he'd been smarter to start with. He'd like to sit next to her and talk to her...but if he did it now, it'd be soo conspicuous. But if he'd done it on that first day - sat next to her - it would have been natural. He could have made some joke about liking to watch performing seals from a great height, the better to take in their performance...something like that, anyway.
But he'd missed his opportunity and now all he could do was sit and glance at her occasionally from across the room.
But one day, he day...
Thursday, November 29, 2012
TechnoFish: Prologue
October 21, 1961
It was cold...trawling for fish in the North Sea.
But Kendrick Trench enjoyed breathing in the fresh air. He was warm enough in his thick white turtleneck sweater and the thermal underwear beneath his blue dungarees.
The squealing of the crane over his head attracted his attention - they were bringing up another load of fish.
He looked over the side of the ship as the water began to boil, then the net full of fish rose slowly into the air. It would pause for a second, before the derrick arm would rotate so that the net was hanging over the large hold, then the net would be open and the fish would fall into the depths...depths that were circumscribed by the steel skin of the Titanica, best - because it was the luckiest - fishing vessel in the North Sea.
Kendrick watched the net as it was hoisted into the air...all that silvery blueness as the fish within struggled to escape their sudden captivity - never knowing what had happened to them...
Kendrick started to bring a cigarette to his lips and then stopped.
Mother of god!
There was a human face in the net.
A human face...silver...alive....staring at him.
Not taking his eyes off that face, he yelled, "Stop! Stop! Don't drop the net!"
But the noise was too great. No one heard him. As Kendrick the humanoid figure in the net watched him! ... the net traveled on its path over the open end was released, and a thousand pounds of fish dropped into the hold.
Along with that silver man.
Kendrick dropped his cigarette and ran. As he passed a life preserver he grabbed it up. As he ran he shouted to one of his shipmates to turn off the machinery.
There was a catwalk that ran along the top of the hold...if he could throw the life preserver into that wiggling mass of fish...if the silver man could somehow "swim" to the top, he could grab the life preserver and Kendrick could pull him to safety.
Kendrick made it to the catwalk, looked down desperately into the mass of flapping bodies. The machinery had been turned off...there was no noise except for the flapping of helpless fish.
What was that?
It was the sound of screaming metal...the sound that might be made as if someone with extremely strong fingers were peeling back the metal of the hold...making a door for itself to get out from under the oppressive mass of fish...
Then there was a more distant sound of peeling metal...was that silver man making another door for itself...was it going to be able to bore through the entire ship and out the other side?
If it did so...ripping its way through so many water-tight bulkheads...the Titanica would no longer be water tight.
Kendrick ran to the bridge. "Captain, we've got to abandon ship," he snapped.
Captain Shore raised a hand. "Calm down, Kendrick. Tell me what's happening."
"There was a man...a the net. It's ripping through the's destroying the ship."
Shore looked at him incredulously. With any other crewman he'd suspect a drug-induced hallucination, but Kendrick Trench was as straight as a die.
But it was too unbelievable.
"Come on, Kendrick. You've got to give me more to go on. What saw a body in the net? Probably just some poor sap who fell off a yacht or a cruise ship or something."
"No, sir. It was alive. It was looking at me. From the time I caught sight of it until the time it dropped into the hold, we were looking at each other. It was moving...and then...when it dropped into the hold...I could hear sounds like the bulkheads being ripped apart....this ship is going to sink."
The captain reached for his microphone that broadcast into all areas of the ship.
"This is the Captain speaking. We may have a ... situation. Everyone who is not on duty go check out the watertight compartments. All of them."
The lifeboats were filled with men. They were high-tech lifeboats, plenty of food and shelter from the cold of the black water beneath them...nevertheless none of the men were talking. They sat, alone with their thoughts. Everyone had got out, after a couple of men had reported that the water-tight compartments had been breached - going straight down - and the Titanic was rapidly filling up with water.
They were alone with their thoughts...but their thoughts were all the same. No "silver man" had done this thing. It had to have been Kendrick himself...dropping a bomb into the hold to sabotage the ship...that was the only possible explanation.
It was only because Kendrick sat next to Captain Shore that there was not a mass movement toward him to throw him overboard...
He was safe for now...but sooner or later...he'd be alone...
Kendrick lay in his hospital bed, arms folded behind his neck, staring at the ceiling. He was under arrest...he was allowed no visitors.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door, then the sound of a key turning in the lock. The door opened and a man in a blue business suit came into the room. He sat down in the chair beside Kendrick's bed so he could face him.
"Mr. Trench," the man said, "I"m Special Investigator Tracy. I'd like you to tell me your story again, please."
"I've already told it twenty times. To twenty different sets of people. I'm not going over it again."
"Mr. Trench," said Tracy, "Let me explain this to you. You say that you saw a silver man in your fish net, and that he tore open your ship in order to get back to the ocean."
"Consider what would happen if we believed you, Mr. Trench."
"What do you mean?"
"Where there's one fish man, there's bound to be others. A whole race of these under the sea. Well...the North Sea, anyway."
Kendrick sat up. "Yes," he said excitedly. "Yes!"
"So what do you think is going to happen? Do you think the world's super powers are going to send out peaceful expeditions to track these underwater people down? Of course not. They'll be captured, they'll be studied. Even if they prove to be intelligent, that would do them no good, just as it never did any good to any other indigent people on this planet. People who can breathe underwater, live underwater - at great pressure! Every super power in the world will be after them, and it won't be because they want to help them civilize enough to accept a seat at the UN."
"You mean..."
"They'll be enslaved, of course. Like highly intelligent dolphins sent out to hunt for magnetic mines, like we're trying to do now. Or worse, they'll all be dissected, so we can learn how they can live underwater. Whatever we do with them...they're doomed."
Kendrick stared at Tracy, his face white.
"It's your call, Mr. Trench," said Tracy. "Your story has actually made it to the newspapers - lots of your shipmates told the story. They all scoff at you, but there are plenty of loons in John Q Public that will agitate that you be let loose. They'll want to go after these silver men to and our government will probably even help them do it. With a result that will not be happy for the fishmen. But it will save you... you'll be free."
"Or..." said Kendrick slowly.
"Confess to being a member of some anarchic group opposed to commercial fishing. There's one called SoS - Save Our Seas. They were formed last year, as a matter of fact. Tell the newspapers you lied...that you were just covering up the bombing of the ship. Tell 'em it was just a spur of the moment thing and you never expected anyone to take you seriously. That anyone who did take you seriously is an idiot. Kill entirely this idea that there are silver men living under the sea.
"And if I do...?" said Kendrick, still slowly.
Tracy shrugged. "You'll go to jail. But you'll be shown some leniency. After all, you could have let your entire crew die. Instead you warned them and everyone escaped with their lives. That counts for something."
Kendrick smiled wanly. "A couple of years off of a 20 year prison sentence?"
Tracy shrugged again. He stood up. "It's up to you, Mr. Trench. I'll let the press in now."
And he went to the door and opened it. Dozens of men and women carrying huge cameras and large microphones streamed into the room, each talking over the other in an effort to ask him questions.
Kendrick swallowed hard...and said what he had to say.
It was cold...trawling for fish in the North Sea.
But Kendrick Trench enjoyed breathing in the fresh air. He was warm enough in his thick white turtleneck sweater and the thermal underwear beneath his blue dungarees.
The squealing of the crane over his head attracted his attention - they were bringing up another load of fish.
He looked over the side of the ship as the water began to boil, then the net full of fish rose slowly into the air. It would pause for a second, before the derrick arm would rotate so that the net was hanging over the large hold, then the net would be open and the fish would fall into the depths...depths that were circumscribed by the steel skin of the Titanica, best - because it was the luckiest - fishing vessel in the North Sea.
Kendrick watched the net as it was hoisted into the air...all that silvery blueness as the fish within struggled to escape their sudden captivity - never knowing what had happened to them...
Kendrick started to bring a cigarette to his lips and then stopped.
Mother of god!
There was a human face in the net.
A human face...silver...alive....staring at him.
Not taking his eyes off that face, he yelled, "Stop! Stop! Don't drop the net!"
But the noise was too great. No one heard him. As Kendrick the humanoid figure in the net watched him! ... the net traveled on its path over the open end was released, and a thousand pounds of fish dropped into the hold.
Along with that silver man.
Kendrick dropped his cigarette and ran. As he passed a life preserver he grabbed it up. As he ran he shouted to one of his shipmates to turn off the machinery.
There was a catwalk that ran along the top of the hold...if he could throw the life preserver into that wiggling mass of fish...if the silver man could somehow "swim" to the top, he could grab the life preserver and Kendrick could pull him to safety.
Kendrick made it to the catwalk, looked down desperately into the mass of flapping bodies. The machinery had been turned off...there was no noise except for the flapping of helpless fish.
What was that?
It was the sound of screaming metal...the sound that might be made as if someone with extremely strong fingers were peeling back the metal of the hold...making a door for itself to get out from under the oppressive mass of fish...
Then there was a more distant sound of peeling metal...was that silver man making another door for itself...was it going to be able to bore through the entire ship and out the other side?
If it did so...ripping its way through so many water-tight bulkheads...the Titanica would no longer be water tight.
Kendrick ran to the bridge. "Captain, we've got to abandon ship," he snapped.
Captain Shore raised a hand. "Calm down, Kendrick. Tell me what's happening."
"There was a man...a the net. It's ripping through the's destroying the ship."
Shore looked at him incredulously. With any other crewman he'd suspect a drug-induced hallucination, but Kendrick Trench was as straight as a die.
But it was too unbelievable.
"Come on, Kendrick. You've got to give me more to go on. What saw a body in the net? Probably just some poor sap who fell off a yacht or a cruise ship or something."
"No, sir. It was alive. It was looking at me. From the time I caught sight of it until the time it dropped into the hold, we were looking at each other. It was moving...and then...when it dropped into the hold...I could hear sounds like the bulkheads being ripped apart....this ship is going to sink."
The captain reached for his microphone that broadcast into all areas of the ship.
"This is the Captain speaking. We may have a ... situation. Everyone who is not on duty go check out the watertight compartments. All of them."
The lifeboats were filled with men. They were high-tech lifeboats, plenty of food and shelter from the cold of the black water beneath them...nevertheless none of the men were talking. They sat, alone with their thoughts. Everyone had got out, after a couple of men had reported that the water-tight compartments had been breached - going straight down - and the Titanic was rapidly filling up with water.
They were alone with their thoughts...but their thoughts were all the same. No "silver man" had done this thing. It had to have been Kendrick himself...dropping a bomb into the hold to sabotage the ship...that was the only possible explanation.
It was only because Kendrick sat next to Captain Shore that there was not a mass movement toward him to throw him overboard...
He was safe for now...but sooner or later...he'd be alone...
Kendrick lay in his hospital bed, arms folded behind his neck, staring at the ceiling. He was under arrest...he was allowed no visitors.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door, then the sound of a key turning in the lock. The door opened and a man in a blue business suit came into the room. He sat down in the chair beside Kendrick's bed so he could face him.
"Mr. Trench," the man said, "I"m Special Investigator Tracy. I'd like you to tell me your story again, please."
"I've already told it twenty times. To twenty different sets of people. I'm not going over it again."
"Mr. Trench," said Tracy, "Let me explain this to you. You say that you saw a silver man in your fish net, and that he tore open your ship in order to get back to the ocean."
"Consider what would happen if we believed you, Mr. Trench."
"What do you mean?"
"Where there's one fish man, there's bound to be others. A whole race of these under the sea. Well...the North Sea, anyway."
Kendrick sat up. "Yes," he said excitedly. "Yes!"
"So what do you think is going to happen? Do you think the world's super powers are going to send out peaceful expeditions to track these underwater people down? Of course not. They'll be captured, they'll be studied. Even if they prove to be intelligent, that would do them no good, just as it never did any good to any other indigent people on this planet. People who can breathe underwater, live underwater - at great pressure! Every super power in the world will be after them, and it won't be because they want to help them civilize enough to accept a seat at the UN."
"You mean..."
"They'll be enslaved, of course. Like highly intelligent dolphins sent out to hunt for magnetic mines, like we're trying to do now. Or worse, they'll all be dissected, so we can learn how they can live underwater. Whatever we do with them...they're doomed."
Kendrick stared at Tracy, his face white.
"It's your call, Mr. Trench," said Tracy. "Your story has actually made it to the newspapers - lots of your shipmates told the story. They all scoff at you, but there are plenty of loons in John Q Public that will agitate that you be let loose. They'll want to go after these silver men to and our government will probably even help them do it. With a result that will not be happy for the fishmen. But it will save you... you'll be free."
"Or..." said Kendrick slowly.
"Confess to being a member of some anarchic group opposed to commercial fishing. There's one called SoS - Save Our Seas. They were formed last year, as a matter of fact. Tell the newspapers you lied...that you were just covering up the bombing of the ship. Tell 'em it was just a spur of the moment thing and you never expected anyone to take you seriously. That anyone who did take you seriously is an idiot. Kill entirely this idea that there are silver men living under the sea.
"And if I do...?" said Kendrick, still slowly.
Tracy shrugged. "You'll go to jail. But you'll be shown some leniency. After all, you could have let your entire crew die. Instead you warned them and everyone escaped with their lives. That counts for something."
Kendrick smiled wanly. "A couple of years off of a 20 year prison sentence?"
Tracy shrugged again. He stood up. "It's up to you, Mr. Trench. I'll let the press in now."
And he went to the door and opened it. Dozens of men and women carrying huge cameras and large microphones streamed into the room, each talking over the other in an effort to ask him questions.
Kendrick swallowed hard...and said what he had to say.
New story
I'm bringing Island Romance to a close. You all know how it was going to end - they were going to be on an island, there'd be more misunderstandings before they fell in love. There'd be some underwater erotica, but not much because they were both air-breathers.
But I've got a new idea for a story which I'm much more excited about and which is more in keeping with the theme of this serial-fiction blog.
It will be much more complex as well...
But I've got a new idea for a story which I'm much more excited about and which is more in keeping with the theme of this serial-fiction blog.
It will be much more complex as well...
Monday, November 26, 2012
I have not forgotten this story!
I just have had so much writing to do right now for clients, that when it comes to writing fiction, I can't get in the groove.
However, things are clearing up now. Hope to get started on this tomorrow.
However, things are clearing up now. Hope to get started on this tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Island Romance Chapter 8
Michelle put down her phone and sat for some minutes staring at the opposite wall.
Vic Durant wanted her to be his caddy!
A professional golfer wanted her to be his caddy... on the main stage. The PGA - bloody - tour!
But of all the golfers in all the world...why did the golfer have to be Vic Durant?
He'd been such a jerk... she hadn't wanted to see him ever again, for all that she'd more money for that one day's week than she'd earned in the whole previous part of the year.
And why did he want her? He hadn't liked her any better than she'd liked him!
She'd helped him win - there was no doubt about that - but they'd been playing on her home course. She'd had the edge... but if they were playing on a course that she knew nothing about...her advantage was gone.
Michelle took a deep breath. She must let the fact that she didn't like Durant influence her decision. He wanted to work with her and he didn't like her - she could do the same.
Just a professional relationship.
With the possibility of some hefty earnings if she could help the guy win some tournaments.
Michelle jumped to her feet. She'd already told her manager that she was on her way in. Time to go in and grab this opportunity with both hands!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Island Romance Chapter 7
A few days later, Vic Durant stopped in at the country club to talk to the manager.
He was greeted warmly, as befitted a tournament winner.
"I wanted to talk to you about my caddie, Michelle Bravo." he said. "I want to hire her permanently." Vic believed in coming straight to the point.
The clubhouse manager, whose name was Paul Friedel, stared at him. Then he said, "Let me call her up and get her down here."
"Thank you."
Freidel picked up his phone and called Michelle's number.
As it happened, this was the one day Michelle wasn't working. And she'd taken advantage of her day off to go for a drive upstate to visit a botanical gardens. All Freidel got was her cellphone.
"Michelle. This is Paul. Vic Durant has stopped by and wants to talk to you about caddying for him on a regular basis. Give me a call as soon as you get this message."
He hung up and turned to Vic.
"Today is her day off, she must be out and about. Did you...I mean...if you'll give me her phone number I'll have her call you."
Vic stood up, nodding. He told Friedel his phone number, and Paul promised to give it to Michelle as soon as she called.
"Thanks," said Vic. "By the way, as long as I'm here, do you mind if I play a few rounds?"
He was greeted warmly, as befitted a tournament winner.
"I wanted to talk to you about my caddie, Michelle Bravo." he said. "I want to hire her permanently." Vic believed in coming straight to the point.
The clubhouse manager, whose name was Paul Friedel, stared at him. Then he said, "Let me call her up and get her down here."
"Thank you."
Freidel picked up his phone and called Michelle's number.
As it happened, this was the one day Michelle wasn't working. And she'd taken advantage of her day off to go for a drive upstate to visit a botanical gardens. All Freidel got was her cellphone.
"Michelle. This is Paul. Vic Durant has stopped by and wants to talk to you about caddying for him on a regular basis. Give me a call as soon as you get this message."
He hung up and turned to Vic.
"Today is her day off, she must be out and about. Did you...I mean...if you'll give me her phone number I'll have her call you."
Vic stood up, nodding. He told Friedel his phone number, and Paul promised to give it to Michelle as soon as she called.
"Thanks," said Vic. "By the way, as long as I'm here, do you mind if I play a few rounds?"
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Story resumes this week
I haven't forgotten this story and am anxious to get back to it....but dealing with family issues right now.
Soon...this week, promise!
Soon...this week, promise!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Island Romance Chapter 6
It was the final hole of the tournament.
Vic Durant needed to sink a birdie... to win.
It had been a magical run.
His caddy had given him good advice, and he'd followed it...and he'd made his shots.
He'd wanted to hear her say, "Good job," but she was still being very professional about it. She gave him advice on the shots, but took back the clubs he handed her without a word and said nothing as they walked along to the next hole.
But something about her presence he found steadying...he was playing better than he'd ever played before.
And now..he was about to win his first tournament.
Granted, it was only a mid-level wasn't like he was playing against the top players in the world...but a win at this tournament would open the door for him to get into those types of tournaments.
And this tournament would pay him a hell of a lot of money...even if he couldn't win it he'd make more money at the end of this weekend than he'd made in his career prior to this day.
And he owed it all to his caddy. There was no denying it.
Vic circled the hole, eyeing his shot. It was a twelve foot shot, but the green was completely flat. No tricks here. All he needed to do was hit it straight.
Michelle handed him the putter, which Vic took without looking at her.
Then he approached his ball - that small white ball that he needed to knock into a hole twelve feet away. Easy.
Vic set his feet...took a deep breath. He placed his putter beside the ball, took a few practice swings - more to release excess energy than for the practice, and then he calmly, smoothly, putted.
The ball rolled steadily - and straight - for twelve feet, and dropped right into the hole.
Vic thrust his hands up into the air in victory.
Now his caddy was smiling at him. He dropped the putter, lifted her up in a bear hug and set her down again, as his opponent came to shake hands with him.
Michelle reached down and picked up his putter. She could still feel his strong hands around her...the ease with which he'd picked her up...and the sheer joy in his face.
A nice moment. Too bad he was such a jerk.
Vic Durant needed to sink a birdie... to win.
It had been a magical run.
His caddy had given him good advice, and he'd followed it...and he'd made his shots.
He'd wanted to hear her say, "Good job," but she was still being very professional about it. She gave him advice on the shots, but took back the clubs he handed her without a word and said nothing as they walked along to the next hole.
But something about her presence he found steadying...he was playing better than he'd ever played before.
And now..he was about to win his first tournament.
Granted, it was only a mid-level wasn't like he was playing against the top players in the world...but a win at this tournament would open the door for him to get into those types of tournaments.
And this tournament would pay him a hell of a lot of money...even if he couldn't win it he'd make more money at the end of this weekend than he'd made in his career prior to this day.
And he owed it all to his caddy. There was no denying it.
Vic circled the hole, eyeing his shot. It was a twelve foot shot, but the green was completely flat. No tricks here. All he needed to do was hit it straight.
Michelle handed him the putter, which Vic took without looking at her.
Then he approached his ball - that small white ball that he needed to knock into a hole twelve feet away. Easy.
Vic set his feet...took a deep breath. He placed his putter beside the ball, took a few practice swings - more to release excess energy than for the practice, and then he calmly, smoothly, putted.
The ball rolled steadily - and straight - for twelve feet, and dropped right into the hole.
Vic thrust his hands up into the air in victory.
Now his caddy was smiling at him. He dropped the putter, lifted her up in a bear hug and set her down again, as his opponent came to shake hands with him.
Michelle reached down and picked up his putter. She could still feel his strong hands around her...the ease with which he'd picked her up...and the sheer joy in his face.
A nice moment. Too bad he was such a jerk.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Story resumes Sept 24 2012
My mom, who is 75, wants to go up to teeny tiny town near Rapid City,
to see her sister, who is 80. They live in a house in the boonies and
have no internet.
I'll be back online on Monday the 24th and promise not to miss another day.
Please bear with me, your patience is appreciated!
I'll be back online on Monday the 24th and promise not to miss another day.
Please bear with me, your patience is appreciated!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Island Romance Ch 5
Vic Durant stood on the tee at the 9th green, taking deep breaths and composing himself.
He was playing very well, not the least because his caddy was giving him good information and selecting the proper clubs for him to use.
After that one snap at him she had confined herself to talking business only...not inviting any conversation of a personal nature. When he made his birdies, and he'd made three of them so far, she'd merely looked at him. He did not get the impression that she would respond to a high five so he did not offer any.
He had the impression that she didn't like him very much.
Well, it didn't matter if she liked him or not. He was doing pretty well on this course. Once he'd gotten over his snit he was doing just fine...and he'd have gotten over it eventually, regardless of her bracing him on the subject so rudely.
Durant stepped back from the tee, and took another deep breath.
He was being unfair. He'd been acting childishly and she'd snapped him out of it. God knows how many holes he would have bogied if he'd sullked through the first nine holes.
As it was he was -3 on the day with nine holes to go, and he'd better just concentrate.
Durant swung his club back smoothly, then down smoothly, hitting the ball solidly and driving it 300 yards onto the fairway.
He handed his club to his caddy and they walked in silence toward his next shot.
He was playing very well, not the least because his caddy was giving him good information and selecting the proper clubs for him to use.
After that one snap at him she had confined herself to talking business only...not inviting any conversation of a personal nature. When he made his birdies, and he'd made three of them so far, she'd merely looked at him. He did not get the impression that she would respond to a high five so he did not offer any.
He had the impression that she didn't like him very much.
Well, it didn't matter if she liked him or not. He was doing pretty well on this course. Once he'd gotten over his snit he was doing just fine...and he'd have gotten over it eventually, regardless of her bracing him on the subject so rudely.
Durant stepped back from the tee, and took another deep breath.
He was being unfair. He'd been acting childishly and she'd snapped him out of it. God knows how many holes he would have bogied if he'd sullked through the first nine holes.
As it was he was -3 on the day with nine holes to go, and he'd better just concentrate.
Durant swung his club back smoothly, then down smoothly, hitting the ball solidly and driving it 300 yards onto the fairway.
He handed his club to his caddy and they walked in silence toward his next shot.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Island Romance Ch 4
Things were not going well with Vic Durant.
He bogeyed the first hole, he bogeyed the second.
He hadn't said a word to Michelle at any time. She'd taken out clubs for him that she thought he should use, he'd ignored her and deliberately taken out a different club, even though he must have known it was not the proper club for what he needed.
As they waited just off the third tee, Michelle decided she had to take a stand.
"Mr. Durant, I appreciate that something is bugging you, but you're not doing yourself any good by deliberately tanking this match."
Durant glared at her, but she went on.
"I work at this course, I know this course. I am a caddy and it's my job to help you. So why don't you stop pouting and let me help you?"
"Pouting?" demanded Durant.
Michelle just stared at him.
Durant took a deep breath, and looked like he was counting to ten. Then he said, "Okay, fine. Tell me what I should do here."
"Well, the wind swirls about a great deal on this hole. So I'd say don't drive it as high as you've been doing. Drive it low and straight."
Durant nodded, took the driver she held out to him, and went out onto the tee.
He took several more deep breaths to calm his mind. Had he really been pouting? But she was right - he didn't have a chance to do well in this tourney but if he played conservatively at least he could make the cut and bring home a few dollars.
Durant stepped back from his tee as his lips twitched. Quite spunky, his caddy. Pouting, indeed.
He returned to the tee, assumed his stance, and hit the ball in a low drive - that went straight where he intended it.
So far, so good, he thought as they headed, not speaking, onto the fairway.
He bogeyed the first hole, he bogeyed the second.
He hadn't said a word to Michelle at any time. She'd taken out clubs for him that she thought he should use, he'd ignored her and deliberately taken out a different club, even though he must have known it was not the proper club for what he needed.
As they waited just off the third tee, Michelle decided she had to take a stand.
"Mr. Durant, I appreciate that something is bugging you, but you're not doing yourself any good by deliberately tanking this match."
Durant glared at her, but she went on.
"I work at this course, I know this course. I am a caddy and it's my job to help you. So why don't you stop pouting and let me help you?"
"Pouting?" demanded Durant.
Michelle just stared at him.
Durant took a deep breath, and looked like he was counting to ten. Then he said, "Okay, fine. Tell me what I should do here."
"Well, the wind swirls about a great deal on this hole. So I'd say don't drive it as high as you've been doing. Drive it low and straight."
Durant nodded, took the driver she held out to him, and went out onto the tee.
He took several more deep breaths to calm his mind. Had he really been pouting? But she was right - he didn't have a chance to do well in this tourney but if he played conservatively at least he could make the cut and bring home a few dollars.
Durant stepped back from his tee as his lips twitched. Quite spunky, his caddy. Pouting, indeed.
He returned to the tee, assumed his stance, and hit the ball in a low drive - that went straight where he intended it.
So far, so good, he thought as they headed, not speaking, onto the fairway.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Story resumes Sat, Sept 1
Taking tomorrow off to do some Labor Day preparation stuff for Monday...
Will get it all done on Friday, and Saturday will get back to posting this story.
So glad you all like it!
Will get it all done on Friday, and Saturday will get back to posting this story.
So glad you all like it!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Island Romance Ch 3
"Mr. Durant? I'm Michelle Bravo. I'll be your caddy."
Truth to tell, she'd never really heard much about Vic Durant. He usually occupied the bottom of the leaderboard. He made the cut about half the time, but always finished in 50th position or so. Still, depending on the tournament, 50th position paid about $10,000, not bad for 4 days work.
He looked at her with an outraged look on his face. His lips worked, but he said nothing.
"There's my bag," he said, jerking his thumb at the large leather bag stuffed fll of golf clubs. "Can you lift it?"
Michelle was 5 foot 7, and after three months of carrying heavy golf bags (and taking up weight training so she wouldn't be ready to drop dead at the end of every day) she was quite sure she could carry this guy's bag. She picked it up and hefted it over her shoulder without comment.
"All right, come on," said Durant. "They're about to announce me."
Durant normally wasn't so rude - neither to men or to women - but he was simply seething and he had not expected to have a woman caddy.
Durant walked up to the first tee to the polite applause of the audience there - they were all waiting for the bigger names yet to come.
Michelle started to look in his bag for a driver, when he pushed past her, grabbed a club out of the bag, and stepped up on the green, placing his tee in the ground and his ball on the tee.
He addressed the ball, then hit it as hard as he could, with all the fury of not having dumped his alcoholic caddy months ago behind the swing. It went high, it went went into the rough.
Durant immediately began walking toward the fairway, holding his arm out with the club.
Michelle sped up a bit and grabbed the club away from him and stuffed it in his bag.
"Well, damn," thought Michelle sadly. "This is going to be a real fun four hours."
Truth to tell, she'd never really heard much about Vic Durant. He usually occupied the bottom of the leaderboard. He made the cut about half the time, but always finished in 50th position or so. Still, depending on the tournament, 50th position paid about $10,000, not bad for 4 days work.
He looked at her with an outraged look on his face. His lips worked, but he said nothing.
"There's my bag," he said, jerking his thumb at the large leather bag stuffed fll of golf clubs. "Can you lift it?"
Michelle was 5 foot 7, and after three months of carrying heavy golf bags (and taking up weight training so she wouldn't be ready to drop dead at the end of every day) she was quite sure she could carry this guy's bag. She picked it up and hefted it over her shoulder without comment.
"All right, come on," said Durant. "They're about to announce me."
Durant normally wasn't so rude - neither to men or to women - but he was simply seething and he had not expected to have a woman caddy.
Durant walked up to the first tee to the polite applause of the audience there - they were all waiting for the bigger names yet to come.
Michelle started to look in his bag for a driver, when he pushed past her, grabbed a club out of the bag, and stepped up on the green, placing his tee in the ground and his ball on the tee.
He addressed the ball, then hit it as hard as he could, with all the fury of not having dumped his alcoholic caddy months ago behind the swing. It went high, it went went into the rough.
Durant immediately began walking toward the fairway, holding his arm out with the club.
Michelle sped up a bit and grabbed the club away from him and stuffed it in his bag.
"Well, damn," thought Michelle sadly. "This is going to be a real fun four hours."
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Island Romance ch 2
Vic Durant opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling.
He blinked.
He turned his head and looked at the alarm clock. 7 am.
7 am?
His caddy was supposed to have wakened him at 6 am. He had to be on the tee by 8 am or forfeit his entry into the golf tournament.
Vic Durant galvanized out of bed. He didn't have time for a shower, he didn't have time to brush his teeth. He stripped off his pajamas and pulled on his golfing clothes and grabbed his wallet. He burst out of the door and sprinted the few steps to the door to the room where his caddy was sleeping - probably dead drunk. But his clubs were in that room.
Vic banged on the door. "Charlie! Charlie! Wake up! I need my clubs!"
No response.
Vic slapped is forehead. There was a connecting door between his room and that of his caddy.
Vic ran back into his hotel room. Charlie had come through that door the other day - they'd been discussing strategy and Charlie had tried the door and had gone through it... and had not locked it.
Vic looked at Charlie sprawled on the bed. He was dead to the world - but not really dead - he was snoring loudly. There was a bottle of Jack Daniels near one hand.
Vic didn't even try to wake him up. He grabbed his golf bag, went out through the connecting door - took the time to lock it, and then out of his hotel room and into the lobby.
"I need a cab to take me to the golf course right now," he told the reception clerk briskly. "Right now."
"There's one outside, sir," said the clerk. "We always have cabs here during the golf tournaments."
Vic carried his golf bag outside. A cabbie immediately came up to him.
"Do you know how to get to the player's entrance of the golf club?" Vic demanded.
"Of course, sir."
The cabbie stowed his clubs in the trunk, then started driving with his pedal to the metal.
Striding into the clubhouse 20 minutes later, Vic accosted the clubhouse manager.
"I need a caddy. Right now. Any caddy you've got."
The clubhouse manager gaped at him. "I'm sorry, sir...all our caddies have the next four days off because of the tournament. They always leave town and go gambling."
"Find me a caddy!" shouted Vic. "Not even a caddy. Just someone who will carry my damn bags! I've got ten minutes to get on the tee!"
"Right," said the manager. "You go to the tee, I'll find you a caddy."
The manager ran out of the clubhouse...then stopped. Hadn't he seen Emma Bravo just a few minutes ago. She was their token female caddy, and she hadn't gone with the guys on their gambling trip...she was on the first tee already.
Even as the manager fumbled for his phone, he ran back into the clubhouse and jerked open her locker, grabbing up overalls and golf shoes.
"Hello," said Michelle over the phone. (He had all his caddies on speed dial.)
"Michelle, you have got to do me a big favor. Vic Durant needs a caddy, and you're the only caddy we've got. You're at the first tee, right?"
"He's headed down there. Duck down to where the public toilets are and I'll bring your gear to you. Okay?"
"Sure, boss. I'll be right there."
"Thanks, Michelle. I'll be there in three minutes."
He blinked.
He turned his head and looked at the alarm clock. 7 am.
7 am?
His caddy was supposed to have wakened him at 6 am. He had to be on the tee by 8 am or forfeit his entry into the golf tournament.
Vic Durant galvanized out of bed. He didn't have time for a shower, he didn't have time to brush his teeth. He stripped off his pajamas and pulled on his golfing clothes and grabbed his wallet. He burst out of the door and sprinted the few steps to the door to the room where his caddy was sleeping - probably dead drunk. But his clubs were in that room.
Vic banged on the door. "Charlie! Charlie! Wake up! I need my clubs!"
No response.
Vic slapped is forehead. There was a connecting door between his room and that of his caddy.
Vic ran back into his hotel room. Charlie had come through that door the other day - they'd been discussing strategy and Charlie had tried the door and had gone through it... and had not locked it.
Vic looked at Charlie sprawled on the bed. He was dead to the world - but not really dead - he was snoring loudly. There was a bottle of Jack Daniels near one hand.
Vic didn't even try to wake him up. He grabbed his golf bag, went out through the connecting door - took the time to lock it, and then out of his hotel room and into the lobby.
"I need a cab to take me to the golf course right now," he told the reception clerk briskly. "Right now."
"There's one outside, sir," said the clerk. "We always have cabs here during the golf tournaments."
Vic carried his golf bag outside. A cabbie immediately came up to him.
"Do you know how to get to the player's entrance of the golf club?" Vic demanded.
"Of course, sir."
The cabbie stowed his clubs in the trunk, then started driving with his pedal to the metal.
Striding into the clubhouse 20 minutes later, Vic accosted the clubhouse manager.
"I need a caddy. Right now. Any caddy you've got."
The clubhouse manager gaped at him. "I'm sorry, sir...all our caddies have the next four days off because of the tournament. They always leave town and go gambling."
"Find me a caddy!" shouted Vic. "Not even a caddy. Just someone who will carry my damn bags! I've got ten minutes to get on the tee!"
"Right," said the manager. "You go to the tee, I'll find you a caddy."
The manager ran out of the clubhouse...then stopped. Hadn't he seen Emma Bravo just a few minutes ago. She was their token female caddy, and she hadn't gone with the guys on their gambling trip...she was on the first tee already.
Even as the manager fumbled for his phone, he ran back into the clubhouse and jerked open her locker, grabbing up overalls and golf shoes.
"Hello," said Michelle over the phone. (He had all his caddies on speed dial.)
"Michelle, you have got to do me a big favor. Vic Durant needs a caddy, and you're the only caddy we've got. You're at the first tee, right?"
"He's headed down there. Duck down to where the public toilets are and I'll bring your gear to you. Okay?"
"Sure, boss. I'll be right there."
"Thanks, Michelle. I'll be there in three minutes."
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Island Romance ch 1
Emma Bravo sighed as she hefted the golfbag over her shoulder. Living in Florida was not all it was cracked up to be. What was the good of living so close to Disneyworld and Universal and Sea World when you couldn't afford to go visit any of them, let alone drive over to the oceanfront for a swim?
Emma followed her golfer as he walked up onto the green.
She had been searching for a steady job in Sinkhole City... well, that wasn't the name of the town but that's how she thought of it...for several months. She'd gotten jobs at a fast food restaurant and as a cashier in a Nickel and Dime store, which both paid minimum wage and which she'd hated. Finally the Job Service had suggested that the local Golf Course was looking for caddies, and as a woman she could probably do pretty well on tips as well as make minimum wage - but she had to be able to carry a 50-poound bag of golf clubs around over an 18-hole course.
Working outdoors? On a golf course? In her youth, she'd taken golf lessons in school. They had gone to a course once or twice but mainly they just practiced driving from a driving range, and she'd loved it. She watched golfing assiduously every weekend when it was in season (and when she wasn't working one of her two dead-end jobs). She watched both the men and the women impartially, though she did have a sneaking fondness for Phil 'the Thrill' Mickelson - he of the wild golf shots and miraculous saves.
She'd accepted the job with alacrity.
It had started out well...she'd loved being on the golf course and would have loved to be playing on it...but she spent all her time carrying the bag for other golfers. Most of them had been fine, though she'd gotten the occasional male chauvinist who'd been rude about her ability to keep up - which was just fine, thank you very much - she'd biked to and from her jobs every day for six months and was in top shape - he'd just wanted something to bitch about.
Tomorrow was Thursday, and the start of the Florida Open. She and all the other caddies had the day off. The rest of the caddies, all men, were driving over to Cape Canaveral to take a gambling cruise.
Emma had been asked, but turned it down. Go gambling instead of walking around the course watching the Pros play? As a caddy at the course, she had free entry to be a spectator to the event. She wasn't going to miss that chance!
Emma followed her golfer as he walked up onto the green.
She had been searching for a steady job in Sinkhole City... well, that wasn't the name of the town but that's how she thought of it...for several months. She'd gotten jobs at a fast food restaurant and as a cashier in a Nickel and Dime store, which both paid minimum wage and which she'd hated. Finally the Job Service had suggested that the local Golf Course was looking for caddies, and as a woman she could probably do pretty well on tips as well as make minimum wage - but she had to be able to carry a 50-poound bag of golf clubs around over an 18-hole course.
Working outdoors? On a golf course? In her youth, she'd taken golf lessons in school. They had gone to a course once or twice but mainly they just practiced driving from a driving range, and she'd loved it. She watched golfing assiduously every weekend when it was in season (and when she wasn't working one of her two dead-end jobs). She watched both the men and the women impartially, though she did have a sneaking fondness for Phil 'the Thrill' Mickelson - he of the wild golf shots and miraculous saves.
She'd accepted the job with alacrity.
It had started out well...she'd loved being on the golf course and would have loved to be playing on it...but she spent all her time carrying the bag for other golfers. Most of them had been fine, though she'd gotten the occasional male chauvinist who'd been rude about her ability to keep up - which was just fine, thank you very much - she'd biked to and from her jobs every day for six months and was in top shape - he'd just wanted something to bitch about.
Tomorrow was Thursday, and the start of the Florida Open. She and all the other caddies had the day off. The rest of the caddies, all men, were driving over to Cape Canaveral to take a gambling cruise.
Emma had been asked, but turned it down. Go gambling instead of walking around the course watching the Pros play? As a caddy at the course, she had free entry to be a spectator to the event. She wasn't going to miss that chance!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Okay, so it'll be the 20th
Catching up on some stuff, but a story is germinating in my head...expect it by Monday.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
60 is the new 40
On August 10, 2012, the Cheyenne chapter of the AARP hosted a seminar
called Gray Matters - which was free and provided a free lunch -
unfortunately fish and cheesecake, blech - from 4 to 6 was a reception
for all travelers who had come in for the AARP National Spelling Bee to
be held on the 11th.
I attended that and it was a lot of fun. The emcee introduced a few folks, we talked about words, there was a "mock" spelling bee (which only consisted of about 20 people getting up and being questioned on one word...._ and so on. And there were finger foods there - Chinese food to be precise. Don't know where they got it from or if they cooked it on site (Little America is a hotel and resort where people come to play golf among other things) but it was delish.
The spelling bee started at the ungodly hour of 8:30 am (Well...8:30 is not so ungodly but I had to get up at the ungodly hour of 6:30 to get there in time for registration, etc.) It started with 4 rounds of 25 words each - which was a Written Test.
The first 25 words were extremely easy. They asked words like "Greetings" and "Navel" and "Mince." I suppose a few might have been considered difficult... "Animus" and "Lacuna."
The second 25 words were equally easy, but I did miss MUGWUMP.
I assume they did this just to help everyone settle the nerves and get new people used to what was going on. People had trouble hearing some of the words (hey, they were all over 50 and most over 60) and the Pronouncer would come down and tell them the word face to face and have them say it back, etc. Indeed, the Pronouncer did an excellent job.
Third round was where they started asking the difficult words.
I missed:
The fourth round was the real killer. I only got 12 out of 25 right. I missed:
I then stayed for the Oral rounds and was joined by one of my friends from my Scrabble Club. (I think an audience could have assembled for the Written rounds, too. There were chairs there and family were in them...but I think most people only wanted to come see the Oral rounds where you actually saw the speller's faces as opposed to their backs, etc.)
Two of the people I met last night at the reception made it to the Orals. One of them it was his first trip to the Bee and he was successful his first time out. Made it through about 10 rounds. (In the Orals, you miss two words and you're out.) Another one was an elderly woman from Minnesota who also got through about 10 rounds before being knocked out.
There were three sisters and a brother who had come as a sort of family reunion. The eldest sister made it to the Oral rounds but was bounced after only two rounds. This was too bad and it was because she was a bit unlucky - she got two 6-syllable words in a row while some of the others were getting much easier ones (but still, not ones I could have spelled). But she was disqualified along with several other people in the same round, so hopefully she didn't feel too bad.
The words in the Oral Rounds were extremely difficult. Several times more difficult than the toughest words in the final round of the Written.
But, had I studied for a year, I think I could have handled them.
And it is my intention to study for a year and get into the Orals next year.
So, why is the title of this blog entry 60 is thenew 40?
Because it is.
People are living longer. You don't want to outlive your money and more importantly you don't want to outlive your sense of enjoyment of life. And learning new things every day is enjoyment and keeps the mind active.
The AARP Spelling Bee is held every year, and it gives you an excellent reason to travel to Cheyenne and see The Cowboy State. You'll meet lots of interesting people.
You do have to study.
I studied very desultorily for about a month...combine all the time I studied and it was about 10 hours. Not nearly enough, but then, I'm a good speller so the Written Rounds were relatively easy - except for that killer last round.
Why learn words that you'll never, ever say in real life?Well, because they're interesting. And the concepts of what you'll learn, you can apply in other areas. So it's a win win.
So start planning to live a long, healthy, active, intellectual life, and do it now, however old you might be!
I attended that and it was a lot of fun. The emcee introduced a few folks, we talked about words, there was a "mock" spelling bee (which only consisted of about 20 people getting up and being questioned on one word...._ and so on. And there were finger foods there - Chinese food to be precise. Don't know where they got it from or if they cooked it on site (Little America is a hotel and resort where people come to play golf among other things) but it was delish.
The spelling bee started at the ungodly hour of 8:30 am (Well...8:30 is not so ungodly but I had to get up at the ungodly hour of 6:30 to get there in time for registration, etc.) It started with 4 rounds of 25 words each - which was a Written Test.
The first 25 words were extremely easy. They asked words like "Greetings" and "Navel" and "Mince." I suppose a few might have been considered difficult... "Animus" and "Lacuna."
The second 25 words were equally easy, but I did miss MUGWUMP.
I assume they did this just to help everyone settle the nerves and get new people used to what was going on. People had trouble hearing some of the words (hey, they were all over 50 and most over 60) and the Pronouncer would come down and tell them the word face to face and have them say it back, etc. Indeed, the Pronouncer did an excellent job.
Third round was where they started asking the difficult words.
I missed:
The fourth round was the real killer. I only got 12 out of 25 right. I missed:
I then stayed for the Oral rounds and was joined by one of my friends from my Scrabble Club. (I think an audience could have assembled for the Written rounds, too. There were chairs there and family were in them...but I think most people only wanted to come see the Oral rounds where you actually saw the speller's faces as opposed to their backs, etc.)
Two of the people I met last night at the reception made it to the Orals. One of them it was his first trip to the Bee and he was successful his first time out. Made it through about 10 rounds. (In the Orals, you miss two words and you're out.) Another one was an elderly woman from Minnesota who also got through about 10 rounds before being knocked out.
There were three sisters and a brother who had come as a sort of family reunion. The eldest sister made it to the Oral rounds but was bounced after only two rounds. This was too bad and it was because she was a bit unlucky - she got two 6-syllable words in a row while some of the others were getting much easier ones (but still, not ones I could have spelled). But she was disqualified along with several other people in the same round, so hopefully she didn't feel too bad.
The words in the Oral Rounds were extremely difficult. Several times more difficult than the toughest words in the final round of the Written.
But, had I studied for a year, I think I could have handled them.
And it is my intention to study for a year and get into the Orals next year.
So, why is the title of this blog entry 60 is thenew 40?
Because it is.
People are living longer. You don't want to outlive your money and more importantly you don't want to outlive your sense of enjoyment of life. And learning new things every day is enjoyment and keeps the mind active.
The AARP Spelling Bee is held every year, and it gives you an excellent reason to travel to Cheyenne and see The Cowboy State. You'll meet lots of interesting people.
You do have to study.
I studied very desultorily for about a month...combine all the time I studied and it was about 10 hours. Not nearly enough, but then, I'm a good speller so the Written Rounds were relatively easy - except for that killer last round.
Why learn words that you'll never, ever say in real life?Well, because they're interesting. And the concepts of what you'll learn, you can apply in other areas. So it's a win win.
So start planning to live a long, healthy, active, intellectual life, and do it now, however old you might be!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
New story starts Aug 12
That's the day after the AARP spelling bee that I've been studying for. Prize, $1, 000!
Hall of the Mountain King Ch 12 and 13
Michele and Fitz walked quietly through Endless Caverns, impressed by the sheer beauty of it. Michele hadn’t known what to expect, after the let-down of the Skyline Caverns, but the Endless Caverns lived up to their billing. It was just as impressive as Luray Caverns had been. Gigantic stalactites and stalagmites were on display here…hundreds of them. Michele regretted now that she hadn’t taken her Skyline Tour Guide aside and asked him what had happened to all the stalactites there…why there were only a handful. Was Skyline so much younger that only a few stalactites had formed, had they all been broken off for some reason…or were the conditions that produced the anthodites such that far fewer stalactites and stalagmites were formed? She’d have to do some research.
As they reached ground level once more…steps up from cavern level were steep…they went into the gift shop, as usual, and Michele picked up a ball cap and a couple of T-shirts. The t-shirts went into a bag, she put the ball cap on her head. It was extremely cool – a bat with a wing and body on the bill of the cap, the other wing rising up onto the face…and the colors were complimentary -- a brown bat on a dark blue cap.
As they walked out of the gift shop, Michele’s eyes wandered over the people waiting to enter the cave, and a cold chill suddenly ran through her. She recognized one of the men…it was the false Mr. Largo, who had precipitated her abandonment of her Taran Tula persona four weeks ago.
Her face remained expressionless as her eyes passed over him and both she and Fitz walked past. She knew that she looked 100 pounds thinner now – especially since she was wearing a t-shirt tucked into her cargo shorts, which showed off her flat stomach, and her face had a completely different shape without the cheek pads she’d worn to further give the illusion of overweight. Not to mention she was wearing a ball cap that hid her hair – which was a different shade and a different style, anyway. There was no way he could recognize her.
But what was he doing here?
Well…it had to be a coincidence. Even if he was searching for Taran Tula, and connected her to Michele Bravo – but how in hell could he have done that? – he wouldn’t have tried to track her down at this cave!
She glanced back, and saw his back heading into the entrance to the cave, along with several other people. Whatever he was doing there, he hadn’t recognized her.
“Something wrong?” asked Fitz, as they reached the car. “You look lost in thought.”
Michele grimaced. “I was just thinking…there’s a loose end…one of my projects…I won’t bore you with the details…but I was just thinking, maybe I’d better cut it off.”
Gus Keller walked towards the entrance to the caverns, after purchasing his ticket. His eyes wandered over the people emerging from the gift shop. Jeez, the cavern operators must make a ton of money on their overpriced souvenirs….hey, that girl was wearing a pretty cool cap, with bats on it..he’d have to pick up one of those on the way out…
He walked into the cavern followed by several others, including several children. Everyone was duly impressed by the awe-inspiring rock formations.
Bat cap on head, Keller returned to his car and thence to his hotel room. So, okay, it had not been an entirely wasted trip. That cavern had been pretty impressive. But now was the time to utilize a little patience and common sense. He would stake out Michele Bravo’s home, and wait for her there….like a spider waiting for a fly.
That evening, Fitz and Michele lay in bed, watching the Sci Fi Channel. Or SyFy channel, as it was now known. It was one of those SyFy channel-produced TV movies, with prehistoric creatures wreaking havoc on modern day campers, complete with bad CGI, bad actors except for the one “name” actor who hopefully had been paid a great deal to lend his name to the drek, bad dialog, and a ludicrous plot. They were watching it somewhat in disbelief, just to see how bad it could actually be.
When the commercials came on, Michele muted them with the remote.
“From TV drek to movie drek,” Michele murmured, as a commercial for the new hit movie Twilight – Eclipse, came on. “I’m really tired of this vampire craze…”
“What’s wrong with vampires?” asked Fitz. “I thought you liked that sort of thing.”
“Let me show you something,” Michele said, reaching for her laptop.
She went to YouTube, did a search on “Fright Night Club Scene,” and then played it.
“Now, that is a sexy vampire,” she said, indicating the sweat-shirt clad Chris Sarandon, portraying Jerry Dandridge, entering a smoky nightclub and seeking out his quarry, the movie hero’s girlfriend, Amy. He proceeded to seduce her by a dance.
“Whew,” said Fitz, after the six minute clip was over. “That was hot. Or hawt, as the kids today say.”
He got up on his knees and looked down at her recumbent form.
“We should learn to dance like that,” he said.
She grinned up at him. “I’d like that.”
“But for now….”
Fitz slipped out of his underwear, and Michele propped several pillows behind her head, so that she was laying down but her head and torso were slightly elevated. Fitz straddled her on his knees, and his erect cock rubbed against her face.
Michele licked her lips and then licked out at his cock. He pressed it forward, into her mouth, and she accepted it, relaxing, sealing her lips around it. She gazed up at him as he began, very gently, to thrust his cock into her mouth, as far into her mouth and throat as she cared to accept it. He looked down at her, smiling his appreciation, then as those little tendrils of pleasure began to coil in his thighs he licked his own lips, and his torso shuddered a bit.
Michele enjoyed the look of bliss on his face as she pleasured him, and when he came she swallowed his cum.
He unstraddled her and lay back. “Mmmmm, that was nice.”
“Now do me,” she commanded, handing him her vibrator.
He scooched closer to her, lying his body next to hers, turned the vibrator on and placed it between her legs. He knew exactly how she liked it – she’d shown him, long ago, and it was his turn to watch her face as she lay back, eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of the warm, cylindrical piece of metal on her clitoris. He rubbed it back and forth, up and down, in circular motions, always nice and slow.
Her eyes opened wide as she felt herself about to cum, and she tilted her chin upward and grimaced with the pleasure of it…again and again…
As she drifted asleep, Michele was doubly satisfied. She had intended her next erotic adventure for Dighton & Forrest to have been a recreation of Eve Marie Saint and Cary Grant’s North by Northwest action on Mount Rushmore…but there was no denying that the steaming heat of “Jerry Dandridge” and “Amy Peterson” was indeed so very, very hot…so hot that sometimes she actually watched that scene while pleasuring herself as a sort of mental stimulation -- better than porn any day ....perhaps she’d give her readers a dose of vampire sex next…
Michele Bravo pulled on her cargo shorts. They felt a bit tight, and she swore. This is what came of two weeks of travelling, with no biking or other exercise (so much for sex being a great form of exercise), and perhaps more egregiously, having hot chocolate sundaes for dessert after lunch as well as after dinner.
Well, she’d still been in the need for comfort food after the shock of the false Mr. Largo. And now he’d shown up again. By rights she should treat herself to a peanut buster parfait, but she’d have to resist. And tomorrow she’d have to buy a collapsible bike so she could get in some exercise during the rest of this trip. She was also a member of a health club chain that was supposed to have outlets everywhere…she’d better start looking for those, too, so she could get in a little swimming and a little weight training. She’d been allowing herself to slack off for too long.
Well, hell, she thought. She’d just got handed another shock – a worse one – the false Mr. Largo might know her identity – her real identity – as Michele Bravo. If that didn’t call for comfort food nothing would. She’d go have that buster bar parfait and give up on her desserts for lunch starting tomorrow.
“Feel like a Dairy Queen, Fitz?” she asked. “My treat.”
Fitz looked up from his computer. “No thanks. Are you having ice cream cravings?”
“Yes…I’ll be gone for half an hour or so.”
“Take your time. I’ve got to take notes on this documentary.”
“Okay. Later.”
Michele spent the time at the DQ savoring her parfait and trying to come up with a plan to discover what was going on with the false Mr. Largo.
She repeated to herself her belief that no secret agent bent on tracking down the “infamous Taran Tula” would just come to the Endless Caverns in the hopes of accidently seeing her. If he had been reading her blog…and he must have done so, he would have known she was going there, but not the time of day or anything like that. Why, if he knew Taran Tula was actually Michele Bravo, even go to the caverns at all? Why not stake out her apartment?
Michele took out a pocket notebook and made some notes. Their next stop was the Shenandoah Caverns. What if she were to mention that in her blog…and give the time of day – having some plausible reason for going into that much detail, of course – that she’d be there. Then, if she saw the false Mr. Largo again, she’d know that he had in actual fact been following her.
In one sense she hated to do it. If there was any kind of confrontation, she could hardly dispatch the false Mr. Largo with Fitz as a witness. And she didn’t know the terrain surrounding Shenandoah Caverns…if she needed to make a quick getaway she wouldn’t be able to do it…
What she would do would be to post an entry that she’d been called home unexpectedly. So if the false Mr. Largo were following her, he’d go stake out her apartment to wait for her return. Meanwhile, she’d continue her cavernous adventures…her main writing was going into the magazine, anyway, not the blog…
But how to find out if the false Mr. Largo were staking out her apartment?
Easy. She was the head of Spindrift Security, after all. She’d put one of her operatives on her apartment, with instructions to find out if anyone else were watching it. And if anyone else was…find out – discreetly – who he was and who he worked for.
She’d draw up a likeness of the false Mr. Largo and send it along, to give her operative a heads up, but if the false Mr. Largo were working for the police or some other law enforcement agency, chances were they’d have half a dozen agents staked out around her place.
Finishing her peanut buster parfait and her plan at the same time, Michele sighed and got up. She’d make her sketch, then send an email later on tonight, setting things in motion. Then, there’d be nothing to do but wait.
Michele and Fitz walked quietly through Endless Caverns, impressed by the sheer beauty of it. Michele hadn’t known what to expect, after the let-down of the Skyline Caverns, but the Endless Caverns lived up to their billing. It was just as impressive as Luray Caverns had been. Gigantic stalactites and stalagmites were on display here…hundreds of them. Michele regretted now that she hadn’t taken her Skyline Tour Guide aside and asked him what had happened to all the stalactites there…why there were only a handful. Was Skyline so much younger that only a few stalactites had formed, had they all been broken off for some reason…or were the conditions that produced the anthodites such that far fewer stalactites and stalagmites were formed? She’d have to do some research.
As they reached ground level once more…steps up from cavern level were steep…they went into the gift shop, as usual, and Michele picked up a ball cap and a couple of T-shirts. The t-shirts went into a bag, she put the ball cap on her head. It was extremely cool – a bat with a wing and body on the bill of the cap, the other wing rising up onto the face…and the colors were complimentary -- a brown bat on a dark blue cap.
As they walked out of the gift shop, Michele’s eyes wandered over the people waiting to enter the cave, and a cold chill suddenly ran through her. She recognized one of the men…it was the false Mr. Largo, who had precipitated her abandonment of her Taran Tula persona four weeks ago.
Her face remained expressionless as her eyes passed over him and both she and Fitz walked past. She knew that she looked 100 pounds thinner now – especially since she was wearing a t-shirt tucked into her cargo shorts, which showed off her flat stomach, and her face had a completely different shape without the cheek pads she’d worn to further give the illusion of overweight. Not to mention she was wearing a ball cap that hid her hair – which was a different shade and a different style, anyway. There was no way he could recognize her.
But what was he doing here?
Well…it had to be a coincidence. Even if he was searching for Taran Tula, and connected her to Michele Bravo – but how in hell could he have done that? – he wouldn’t have tried to track her down at this cave!
She glanced back, and saw his back heading into the entrance to the cave, along with several other people. Whatever he was doing there, he hadn’t recognized her.
“Something wrong?” asked Fitz, as they reached the car. “You look lost in thought.”
Michele grimaced. “I was just thinking…there’s a loose end…one of my projects…I won’t bore you with the details…but I was just thinking, maybe I’d better cut it off.”
Gus Keller walked towards the entrance to the caverns, after purchasing his ticket. His eyes wandered over the people emerging from the gift shop. Jeez, the cavern operators must make a ton of money on their overpriced souvenirs….hey, that girl was wearing a pretty cool cap, with bats on it..he’d have to pick up one of those on the way out…
He walked into the cavern followed by several others, including several children. Everyone was duly impressed by the awe-inspiring rock formations.
Bat cap on head, Keller returned to his car and thence to his hotel room. So, okay, it had not been an entirely wasted trip. That cavern had been pretty impressive. But now was the time to utilize a little patience and common sense. He would stake out Michele Bravo’s home, and wait for her there….like a spider waiting for a fly.
That evening, Fitz and Michele lay in bed, watching the Sci Fi Channel. Or SyFy channel, as it was now known. It was one of those SyFy channel-produced TV movies, with prehistoric creatures wreaking havoc on modern day campers, complete with bad CGI, bad actors except for the one “name” actor who hopefully had been paid a great deal to lend his name to the drek, bad dialog, and a ludicrous plot. They were watching it somewhat in disbelief, just to see how bad it could actually be.
When the commercials came on, Michele muted them with the remote.
“From TV drek to movie drek,” Michele murmured, as a commercial for the new hit movie Twilight – Eclipse, came on. “I’m really tired of this vampire craze…”
“What’s wrong with vampires?” asked Fitz. “I thought you liked that sort of thing.”
“Let me show you something,” Michele said, reaching for her laptop.
She went to YouTube, did a search on “Fright Night Club Scene,” and then played it.
“Now, that is a sexy vampire,” she said, indicating the sweat-shirt clad Chris Sarandon, portraying Jerry Dandridge, entering a smoky nightclub and seeking out his quarry, the movie hero’s girlfriend, Amy. He proceeded to seduce her by a dance.
“Whew,” said Fitz, after the six minute clip was over. “That was hot. Or hawt, as the kids today say.”
He got up on his knees and looked down at her recumbent form.
“We should learn to dance like that,” he said.
She grinned up at him. “I’d like that.”
“But for now….”
Fitz slipped out of his underwear, and Michele propped several pillows behind her head, so that she was laying down but her head and torso were slightly elevated. Fitz straddled her on his knees, and his erect cock rubbed against her face.
Michele licked her lips and then licked out at his cock. He pressed it forward, into her mouth, and she accepted it, relaxing, sealing her lips around it. She gazed up at him as he began, very gently, to thrust his cock into her mouth, as far into her mouth and throat as she cared to accept it. He looked down at her, smiling his appreciation, then as those little tendrils of pleasure began to coil in his thighs he licked his own lips, and his torso shuddered a bit.
Michele enjoyed the look of bliss on his face as she pleasured him, and when he came she swallowed his cum.
He unstraddled her and lay back. “Mmmmm, that was nice.”
“Now do me,” she commanded, handing him her vibrator.
He scooched closer to her, lying his body next to hers, turned the vibrator on and placed it between her legs. He knew exactly how she liked it – she’d shown him, long ago, and it was his turn to watch her face as she lay back, eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of the warm, cylindrical piece of metal on her clitoris. He rubbed it back and forth, up and down, in circular motions, always nice and slow.
Her eyes opened wide as she felt herself about to cum, and she tilted her chin upward and grimaced with the pleasure of it…again and again…
As she drifted asleep, Michele was doubly satisfied. She had intended her next erotic adventure for Dighton & Forrest to have been a recreation of Eve Marie Saint and Cary Grant’s North by Northwest action on Mount Rushmore…but there was no denying that the steaming heat of “Jerry Dandridge” and “Amy Peterson” was indeed so very, very hot…so hot that sometimes she actually watched that scene while pleasuring herself as a sort of mental stimulation -- better than porn any day ....perhaps she’d give her readers a dose of vampire sex next…
Michele Bravo pulled on her cargo shorts. They felt a bit tight, and she swore. This is what came of two weeks of travelling, with no biking or other exercise (so much for sex being a great form of exercise), and perhaps more egregiously, having hot chocolate sundaes for dessert after lunch as well as after dinner.
Well, she’d still been in the need for comfort food after the shock of the false Mr. Largo. And now he’d shown up again. By rights she should treat herself to a peanut buster parfait, but she’d have to resist. And tomorrow she’d have to buy a collapsible bike so she could get in some exercise during the rest of this trip. She was also a member of a health club chain that was supposed to have outlets everywhere…she’d better start looking for those, too, so she could get in a little swimming and a little weight training. She’d been allowing herself to slack off for too long.
Well, hell, she thought. She’d just got handed another shock – a worse one – the false Mr. Largo might know her identity – her real identity – as Michele Bravo. If that didn’t call for comfort food nothing would. She’d go have that buster bar parfait and give up on her desserts for lunch starting tomorrow.
“Feel like a Dairy Queen, Fitz?” she asked. “My treat.”
Fitz looked up from his computer. “No thanks. Are you having ice cream cravings?”
“Yes…I’ll be gone for half an hour or so.”
“Take your time. I’ve got to take notes on this documentary.”
“Okay. Later.”
Michele spent the time at the DQ savoring her parfait and trying to come up with a plan to discover what was going on with the false Mr. Largo.
She repeated to herself her belief that no secret agent bent on tracking down the “infamous Taran Tula” would just come to the Endless Caverns in the hopes of accidently seeing her. If he had been reading her blog…and he must have done so, he would have known she was going there, but not the time of day or anything like that. Why, if he knew Taran Tula was actually Michele Bravo, even go to the caverns at all? Why not stake out her apartment?
Michele took out a pocket notebook and made some notes. Their next stop was the Shenandoah Caverns. What if she were to mention that in her blog…and give the time of day – having some plausible reason for going into that much detail, of course – that she’d be there. Then, if she saw the false Mr. Largo again, she’d know that he had in actual fact been following her.
In one sense she hated to do it. If there was any kind of confrontation, she could hardly dispatch the false Mr. Largo with Fitz as a witness. And she didn’t know the terrain surrounding Shenandoah Caverns…if she needed to make a quick getaway she wouldn’t be able to do it…
What she would do would be to post an entry that she’d been called home unexpectedly. So if the false Mr. Largo were following her, he’d go stake out her apartment to wait for her return. Meanwhile, she’d continue her cavernous adventures…her main writing was going into the magazine, anyway, not the blog…
But how to find out if the false Mr. Largo were staking out her apartment?
Easy. She was the head of Spindrift Security, after all. She’d put one of her operatives on her apartment, with instructions to find out if anyone else were watching it. And if anyone else was…find out – discreetly – who he was and who he worked for.
She’d draw up a likeness of the false Mr. Largo and send it along, to give her operative a heads up, but if the false Mr. Largo were working for the police or some other law enforcement agency, chances were they’d have half a dozen agents staked out around her place.
Finishing her peanut buster parfait and her plan at the same time, Michele sighed and got up. She’d make her sketch, then send an email later on tonight, setting things in motion. Then, there’d be nothing to do but wait.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Hall of the Mountain King CH 11
The Endless Caverns, just 3 miles south of New Market, Virginia, are so named because even now, 131 years after their discovery in 1879, it is not known how far underground the caverns extend. They have been mapped for over six miles, and periodically expeditions set out to try to find tunnels leading into other rooms.
Before taking the guided tour of the caverns, which they knew would not extend for the whole six miles (most show caves show only about 20% of the cavern system in question), Michele and Fitz walked around New Market.
New Market is a small town, of only a little over 2,000 people. Despite that, they have two baseball teams -- a collegiate summer league team called the Rebels, and a summer baseball league team called the Shockers.
Michele was more interested in its Civil War connections.
On May 15, 1864, the Battle of New Market took place, one of the battles in the Valley Campaigns of 1864 – General Grant’s campaigns to bring pressure on the Confederate armies in the Shenandoah Valley.
Confederate General John C. Breckinridge, desperate for men, summoned students from VMI (the Virginia Military Institute) to help. Over half of those who answered the call (257 men) were “rats,” first year students. They joined Breckinridge’s army of 4,500 veterans. Breckinridge had originally only intended to use them as a reserve, but when the situation became desperate he “sent the boys in,” and the cadets did as ordered, and were instrumental in chasing Union General Franz Sigel and his army out of the Shenandoah Valley.
Fitz and Michele walked through the Hall of Valor, then joined a guided tour of the battlefield, in particular the “field of lost shoes,” no longer muddy, but where, back in 1864, the rats had charged to set the Union soldiers to flight, and the cadet's shoes had been sucked off by the thick mud through which they had slogged onthat rainy day.
Five of the cadets died that day, five died within three months from wounds received during the battle, and forty-eight others were wounded…but the Confederacy survived for another day.
“Too bad I didn’t get this idea a month ago,” Michele mused, nodding at an old poster in the visitor’s center. Just a month earlier, in May, the Battle of New Market had been re-enacted.
“There’s re-enactments going on all the time,” said Fitz, “somewhere.”
Michele grinned at him. “What a very helpful comment, Fitz,” she said. “I’ll have to do some research when we get back to our B&B. The Gettysburg re-enactment, I know they do that one every year…”
Fitz stopped and stared at her.
“What,” she demanded.
“Oh, baby, I’m sorry to tell you, that’s already been, too. Just a couple of weeks ago. July 1st, 2nd and 3rd. That’s because…”
“I know, I know,” moaned Michele, clutching her head. “That’s when the actual battle took place, so of course they do it on those days. And it never even occurred to me. Damn, damn and day-um.”
“There’s always next year. Give you an excuse to come back.”
Michele grinned. “As if I needed an excuse.” He bent down and kissed her briefly.
Then she sighed. “Well, let’s go take a look at Endless Caverns, and after that, that farm, Cooper Farm.”
Gus Keller stood outside the entrance building to the Endless Caverns, cursing himself for a fool.
He really hadn’t thought this through, he thought to himself. He’d been so anxious to see Taran Tula again that he’d picked up sticks and come here….but to what end? Was he going to hover around the cavern entrance all day long? That’d be a waste of time. Should he check out the B&Bs around New Market, ask if there was a Michele Bravo staying there? But what a waste of time, if she’d decided to stay in a nearby town.
He didn’t even know if she was really in the town! Perhaps she was timeslipping her blog, publishing the daily entries a week or so late, so as to avoid any fans trying to meet her. So even though she was writing about her visits as if they were happening that very day, they might very well have actually happened a week…even two weeks in the past. Even travel bloggers might have groupies who need to be circumvented.
No, he hadn’t thought this through.
What he should have done, Keller thought, was just to get the address of this particular Michele Bravo, and then camp outside her house or her apartment, or whatever it might be. That was a place she’d be returning to eventually!
Keller took a deep drag on his cigarette and smiled ruefully. He’d just really, really wanted to meet her today, end the suspense quickly…he felt like a teenager with his first crush.
“Hell with it,” he murmured, carefully stubbing out his cigarette and then throwing it into a garbage can. “As long as I’m here, he thought, “I’ll go through the caverns. They might be interesting.”
The Endless Caverns, just 3 miles south of New Market, Virginia, are so named because even now, 131 years after their discovery in 1879, it is not known how far underground the caverns extend. They have been mapped for over six miles, and periodically expeditions set out to try to find tunnels leading into other rooms.
Before taking the guided tour of the caverns, which they knew would not extend for the whole six miles (most show caves show only about 20% of the cavern system in question), Michele and Fitz walked around New Market.
New Market is a small town, of only a little over 2,000 people. Despite that, they have two baseball teams -- a collegiate summer league team called the Rebels, and a summer baseball league team called the Shockers.
Michele was more interested in its Civil War connections.
On May 15, 1864, the Battle of New Market took place, one of the battles in the Valley Campaigns of 1864 – General Grant’s campaigns to bring pressure on the Confederate armies in the Shenandoah Valley.
Confederate General John C. Breckinridge, desperate for men, summoned students from VMI (the Virginia Military Institute) to help. Over half of those who answered the call (257 men) were “rats,” first year students. They joined Breckinridge’s army of 4,500 veterans. Breckinridge had originally only intended to use them as a reserve, but when the situation became desperate he “sent the boys in,” and the cadets did as ordered, and were instrumental in chasing Union General Franz Sigel and his army out of the Shenandoah Valley.
Fitz and Michele walked through the Hall of Valor, then joined a guided tour of the battlefield, in particular the “field of lost shoes,” no longer muddy, but where, back in 1864, the rats had charged to set the Union soldiers to flight, and the cadet's shoes had been sucked off by the thick mud through which they had slogged onthat rainy day.
Five of the cadets died that day, five died within three months from wounds received during the battle, and forty-eight others were wounded…but the Confederacy survived for another day.
“Too bad I didn’t get this idea a month ago,” Michele mused, nodding at an old poster in the visitor’s center. Just a month earlier, in May, the Battle of New Market had been re-enacted.
“There’s re-enactments going on all the time,” said Fitz, “somewhere.”
Michele grinned at him. “What a very helpful comment, Fitz,” she said. “I’ll have to do some research when we get back to our B&B. The Gettysburg re-enactment, I know they do that one every year…”
Fitz stopped and stared at her.
“What,” she demanded.
“Oh, baby, I’m sorry to tell you, that’s already been, too. Just a couple of weeks ago. July 1st, 2nd and 3rd. That’s because…”
“I know, I know,” moaned Michele, clutching her head. “That’s when the actual battle took place, so of course they do it on those days. And it never even occurred to me. Damn, damn and day-um.”
“There’s always next year. Give you an excuse to come back.”
Michele grinned. “As if I needed an excuse.” He bent down and kissed her briefly.
Then she sighed. “Well, let’s go take a look at Endless Caverns, and after that, that farm, Cooper Farm.”
Gus Keller stood outside the entrance building to the Endless Caverns, cursing himself for a fool.
He really hadn’t thought this through, he thought to himself. He’d been so anxious to see Taran Tula again that he’d picked up sticks and come here….but to what end? Was he going to hover around the cavern entrance all day long? That’d be a waste of time. Should he check out the B&Bs around New Market, ask if there was a Michele Bravo staying there? But what a waste of time, if she’d decided to stay in a nearby town.
He didn’t even know if she was really in the town! Perhaps she was timeslipping her blog, publishing the daily entries a week or so late, so as to avoid any fans trying to meet her. So even though she was writing about her visits as if they were happening that very day, they might very well have actually happened a week…even two weeks in the past. Even travel bloggers might have groupies who need to be circumvented.
No, he hadn’t thought this through.
What he should have done, Keller thought, was just to get the address of this particular Michele Bravo, and then camp outside her house or her apartment, or whatever it might be. That was a place she’d be returning to eventually!
Keller took a deep drag on his cigarette and smiled ruefully. He’d just really, really wanted to meet her today, end the suspense quickly…he felt like a teenager with his first crush.
“Hell with it,” he murmured, carefully stubbing out his cigarette and then throwing it into a garbage can. “As long as I’m here, he thought, “I’ll go through the caverns. They might be interesting.”
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Hall of the Mountain King ch 10
Five days ago, Gus Keller, the Special Crimes Investigation Bureau (SCIB) investigator, had received a list of five women who might…or might not…match the partial thumbprint that he had rescued from the spoon Taran Tula had been using to eat a hot fudge sundae.
That list was as follows:
1. Michele Bravo – fingerprinted as a child as a military family member
2. Amanda Cooper – arrested for shoplifting
3. Rita Ellison – an employee of a defunct civilian military contractor. She’d been fingerprinted when she’d applied for a top secret clearance
4. Sophia Sanchez – a sergeant in the US Army
5. Debbie Morgan – an employee of a current civilian contractor to the military
He had elected to start with Michele Bravo.
He had begun his search on the web, conducting a search via Google. He knew the parameters – someone who had been a “military” brat, lived in Germany, and was 30 years old.
Interestingly, there were only a half dozen Michele Bravos to be found. One of them wrote erotica, another was a travel writer for an online webzine. Gus clicked on that link, and was brought to the website
This was the woman’s profile page, complete with a brief biography and a photo. The photo was a three quarters shot of a woman, dressed in fencer’s garb. She was standing side on to the viewer, with her head turned to face front, in a pose Keller thought looked rather sexy. She had long blond hair, a narrow face with a pointy chin, and no breasts to speak of on a slender torso. She definitely wasn’t the Taran Tula he’d seen, even if she’d put on a hundred pounds.
He read her bio – she had indeed been a military brat…she was the Michele Bravo of the fingerprint….just not his Michele Bravo.
He passed on to the next woman on the list, Amanda Cooper. He found it difficult to believe that a woman of Taran Tula’s abilities would ever have been caught shoplifting, but one never knew…
Three days later, Keller had completed the list, and none of the women looked even remotely like Taran Tula. He’d found photos of a couple of the women on the web, and he’d had to visit three of them, in person, tracking them down to their last known address.
Keller relaxed in his hotel room after his last failed trip.
It didn’t make sense. One of those five women had to be Taran Tula.
Keller rubbed his eyes, trying to think.
Then, he powered up his computer and returned to the website of his first choice, Michele Bravo. He stared once again at the photo. It was clearly a publicity photo, not something casual. What if…what if that photo wasn’t of Michele Bravo at all? He’d heard they did that sometimes, these internet writers. They used some headshot other than their own to maintain their anonymity.
So…he’d better go see this Michele Bravo in person, just to make sure.
He looked at the webpage with closer attention. There was a link on the page to a blog. He clicked on it.
The blog was being updated every day…the woman was visiting caverns in Northern Virginia. And she’d be going to the Endless Caverns the next day.
Keller looked at his watch, then pulled up directions on the computer. If he left now, he could drive to this New Market, Virginia place in just a few hours…he’d be there by noon, certainly.
Keller nodded sharply. He threw his clothes back into his suitcase, packed up his laptop, checked out of the hotel, and hit the road.
Five days ago, Gus Keller, the Special Crimes Investigation Bureau (SCIB) investigator, had received a list of five women who might…or might not…match the partial thumbprint that he had rescued from the spoon Taran Tula had been using to eat a hot fudge sundae.
That list was as follows:
1. Michele Bravo – fingerprinted as a child as a military family member
2. Amanda Cooper – arrested for shoplifting
3. Rita Ellison – an employee of a defunct civilian military contractor. She’d been fingerprinted when she’d applied for a top secret clearance
4. Sophia Sanchez – a sergeant in the US Army
5. Debbie Morgan – an employee of a current civilian contractor to the military
He had elected to start with Michele Bravo.
He had begun his search on the web, conducting a search via Google. He knew the parameters – someone who had been a “military” brat, lived in Germany, and was 30 years old.
Interestingly, there were only a half dozen Michele Bravos to be found. One of them wrote erotica, another was a travel writer for an online webzine. Gus clicked on that link, and was brought to the website
This was the woman’s profile page, complete with a brief biography and a photo. The photo was a three quarters shot of a woman, dressed in fencer’s garb. She was standing side on to the viewer, with her head turned to face front, in a pose Keller thought looked rather sexy. She had long blond hair, a narrow face with a pointy chin, and no breasts to speak of on a slender torso. She definitely wasn’t the Taran Tula he’d seen, even if she’d put on a hundred pounds.
He read her bio – she had indeed been a military brat…she was the Michele Bravo of the fingerprint….just not his Michele Bravo.
He passed on to the next woman on the list, Amanda Cooper. He found it difficult to believe that a woman of Taran Tula’s abilities would ever have been caught shoplifting, but one never knew…
Three days later, Keller had completed the list, and none of the women looked even remotely like Taran Tula. He’d found photos of a couple of the women on the web, and he’d had to visit three of them, in person, tracking them down to their last known address.
Keller relaxed in his hotel room after his last failed trip.
It didn’t make sense. One of those five women had to be Taran Tula.
Keller rubbed his eyes, trying to think.
Then, he powered up his computer and returned to the website of his first choice, Michele Bravo. He stared once again at the photo. It was clearly a publicity photo, not something casual. What if…what if that photo wasn’t of Michele Bravo at all? He’d heard they did that sometimes, these internet writers. They used some headshot other than their own to maintain their anonymity.
So…he’d better go see this Michele Bravo in person, just to make sure.
He looked at the webpage with closer attention. There was a link on the page to a blog. He clicked on it.
The blog was being updated every day…the woman was visiting caverns in Northern Virginia. And she’d be going to the Endless Caverns the next day.
Keller looked at his watch, then pulled up directions on the computer. If he left now, he could drive to this New Market, Virginia place in just a few hours…he’d be there by noon, certainly.
Keller nodded sharply. He threw his clothes back into his suitcase, packed up his laptop, checked out of the hotel, and hit the road.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Asta's Masta CH 2
Pete Dighton stood in front of the full-length mirror. He wore
nothing except white silk boxer shorts, but his trim, six-foot body was
none the worse for it. He had broad shoulders, solid pecs, and a
six-pack..a slimness born of symmetrical musculature rather than an
underfed skinniness that seemed to pass for fitness these days. Sasha
Forrest looked admiringly at her husband’s flat belly, leading down to
his nether regions, currently obscured somewhat by the white fabric.
The trend these days for actors was to have a little pot belly. They of course were allowed to get away with a little embonpoint. But let an actress have a slight belly bump…unless she was pregnant – which would cause one kind of frenzy….the entire media would sneer about how overweight she was. Let her then lose the weight and regain her stick-like figure, and they’d immediately begin to gossip that she was anorexic.
Pete had died his blond hair black, and grown a moustache along his upper lip which he had also died black. Now he was busy combing his hair along a center part.
Sasha, clad in a white lace bra and panties, ran her hands along his biceps and kissed his cheek. “You look soooooo sexy,” she murmured.
“Thank you.”
Then she pushed him out of the way. “I need the mirror to put on my dress,” she told him.
Pete took his comb and went into his bathroom to finish his hair job. The full length mirror was located in their bedroom, just beside the walk-in closet that held Sasha’s wardrobe.
Sasha slipped the white silk evening gown from its padded hanger and stepped into it, pulling the cool strap across her neck. The dress was backless, and she felt an anticipatory shiver of Pete’s warm hand resting against her shoulder blades.
Sasha gazed at herself in the mirror. She filled the dress out nicely. Her golden tan set off the whiteness of the dress and vice versa. The swell of her breasts were just evident for those who cared to enjoy the sight, and the folds of the dress embraced her flat belly and then swirled about her ankles – it was an evening dress copied from the fashions of 1934, after all. Her arms were not pipe-stems, but rather firm with a demonstrable bicep – she was an avid swimmer and tennis player and she needed muscles.
Pete returned to her side, his own dressing complete. He wore black shoes, their uppers polished so well they shone like mirrors. His tuxedo was black, with a white cambric shirt and a white bow tie, and the white carnation in his boutonniere was fresh and standing at attention.

“Oh, baby,” he said, placing his hands on the smooth, firm skin of her shoulders and nuzzling her neck. “You look gorgeous. Do we really have to wait?”
“Just another couple of hours, my darling,” Sasha responded. “Now, where’s Asta?”
They took a cab to Penn Station. The driver had raised an eyebrow at their appearance, and true to the chatty nature of cab drivers he asked them where they were going and what they were doing dressed like movie stars out for a night on the town…at two o’clock in the afternoon.
They had told him they were going on a murder mystery train, and sad to say the driver couldn’t identify who they were supposed to be…they didn’t enlighten him.
They decanted at Penn Station. Their re-enactment of a scene from their favorite movie was further marred by the fact that there were no porters to be had…it was self service all the way. But they’d been aware that would happen, and Pete tipped his top-hat to a rakish tilt and then pushed their baggage-laden trolley ahead of him with a fine insouciance. Meantime, Sasha pulled her own little trolley on wheels on which a realistic wire-haired fox terrier toy-dog stood.
“This really destroys the ambiance we’re trying to create,” she grumbled. “No live dogs. No smoking. Afternoon instead of evening.”
“Now, dear,” spoke Pete, trying his best to do a William Powell accent, “We know that live dogs wouldn’t have been allowed in 1934, either. Remember in Song of the Thing Man they had to ride with Asta in the baggage car. Before that they probably just snuck him into their sleeper, and we can’t risk getting caught. It’ll put a crimp in our afternoon delight.”
“We should have risked it,” Sasha grumbled. “Add a little spice to this caper.”
“I’ll be adding a little spice to this caper in another hour or so,” Pete said meaningfully.
They acquired quite a few glances from people on the platform as they walked by to their own, first class car, but no one approached them. They handed their tickets to a conductor and he escorted them to their bedroom compartment.
The bedroom consisted of a huge picture window, through which they could gaze at the scenery passing by, upper and lower berths – the upper berth folded flat against the wall, ready to be lowered at the touch of a button, an armchair and sofa which could be converted to a lower berth, as well as a private toilet and shower.
They sat opposite each other across a table. From her suitcase, Sasha removed a tea service, placing cups and saucers on the table for herself and Pete. Into both cups she poured a measure of gin from a teapot.
They raised their cups.
“Here’s looking at you, kid,” said Pete, in a Bogart accent.
It was from the wrong movie, but Sasha didn’t correct him. “Here’s mud in your eye,” she responded.
They sipped their gin.
They were on the Lake Shore Limited (or Late Shore Limited, as it was affectionately known, owing to a propensity for it to always arrive at least an hour late at its ultimate destination, Chicago,)
And that’s where Pete and Sasha were going…ultimate destination, Mount Rushmore…but that would be a different train and a different movie.
The Lake Shore Limited did run on the same tracks that had once borne the famous 20th Century Limited, an express passenger train that had run from 1902 to 1967, once called the "Most Famous Train in the World".
The journey then had taken 16 hours, departing New York City westbound at 6:00 P.M. Eastern Time and arriving at Chicago's LaSalle St. Station the following morning at 9:00 A.M. Central Time., averaging 60 miles per hour.
The 20th Century had been famous for its style, "spectacularly understated ... suggesting exclusivity and sophistication" as the pundits had termed it.
“Here we go,” Sasha said, as there was a jerk, and the train began to move silently down the tracks and through the industrial portion of the city.
After finishing her gin, Sasha examined the plate glass window. It did have a louvered window treatment.
“What do you think, Pete?” she asked. “Should we louver out the rest of the world, or leave it open so we can gaze out at the scenery while we….”
“Once we get out of the city,” he said, “there’ll be no one to see. Let’s leave it open.”
Sasha smiled.
“Have some more gin,” suggested Pete. He lifted up the teapot.
“Just a little bit for me,” said Sasha. “I’m already feeling pretty loose and ready to go….”
Pete brought a CD boom box out of his suitcase and turned it on, and soft jazz by Duke Ellington bounced around the room.
Sasha sipped her gin and swayed her body to the music as Pete converted their lower berth to a bed, complete with white linen sheets.
He stood back and looked at it critically. “It’s going to be a narrow fit,” he said.
“Part of the charm,” said Sasha. “Come and undress me, darling.”
“I love this dress,” Pete murmured as he obliged. “It’s so easy to remove it.”
She stepped out of her dress and he laid it gently to one side. Then he took her and pushed her body – still clad in lace bra and panties, down onto the narrow bed.
He took off his own tuxedo jacket and slacks, and joined her on the bed clad only in his white tie and his white silk shorts.
For several minutes they simply lay side-by-side and kissed, lips only to start with, then deeper and deeper, until their tongues were dancing a gavotte with each other.
Pete grasped first one and then the other of Sasha’s wrists and pushed them up above her head, then held them there with one hand while he nibbled on the inner part of one arm.
“Mmmmmm,” murmured Sasha.
He raised a leg and moved over to straddle her, now kissing her eyes, her nose, her cheeks. He released her hands and raised her up slightly, so he could unclasp her bra and toss it aside. Then he began o suck on first one nipple and then the other.
“Ah, god,” murmured Sasha. She brought her hands down and wrapped her fingers in Pete’s hair, trying to push him down toward her aching crotch.
Pete reached down and grabbed her panties. She arced her back and lifted a leg and then the panties were gone. He continued to suck a nipple while he reached down and placed his other hand between her legs. The feeling of the wetness there excited him and he drove his ring finger deep inside her. Her back arced again, she pushed at his head, wanting him to go down further and work magic with his tongue.
Instead he continued to tease her. He reached up, seized her hand, and guided it down to his cock, poking out of the white silk. She began to rub it in time to his own timing of finger going in and out of her vagina. He abandoned her nipples and went up to kiss her, long deep kisses.
Soon the effect of her firm hand on his cock became unbearable. He reached down, removed her hand from his cock and guided it into her vagina…deep, deep. Then he began thrusting.
He raised up a bit so he could watch her face…her eyes were closed and her tongue was between her lips. She moved beneath him, thrusting her hips up against his. She ran her hands over his back, down to his hips…then up to his pecs.
Her eyes opened and she gazed up at him…. “Almost there,” she gritted. “Don’t stop..”
He continued to thrust himself deep within her, willing her to come quickly because he knew he was about to come…and then suddenly it happened and the wracking pleasure shook his legs and belly…
“Ummm,” he murmured, relaxing, remaining inside her, bearing most of his weight on his knees as he crouched on top of her.
The sound of the wheels along the rails…click…click…click, and the rhythmic motion of the train was an aphrodisiac…a few minutes later he had recovered enough to start thrusting again, while his very supple wife rested her legs on either of his shoulders as he went in deeper and deeper until he felt her shudder beneath him.
Then, he lowered her legs down, and lay beside her, and rested his head against hers, and slept.
The trend these days for actors was to have a little pot belly. They of course were allowed to get away with a little embonpoint. But let an actress have a slight belly bump…unless she was pregnant – which would cause one kind of frenzy….the entire media would sneer about how overweight she was. Let her then lose the weight and regain her stick-like figure, and they’d immediately begin to gossip that she was anorexic.
Pete had died his blond hair black, and grown a moustache along his upper lip which he had also died black. Now he was busy combing his hair along a center part.
Sasha, clad in a white lace bra and panties, ran her hands along his biceps and kissed his cheek. “You look soooooo sexy,” she murmured.
“Thank you.”
Then she pushed him out of the way. “I need the mirror to put on my dress,” she told him.
Pete took his comb and went into his bathroom to finish his hair job. The full length mirror was located in their bedroom, just beside the walk-in closet that held Sasha’s wardrobe.
Sasha slipped the white silk evening gown from its padded hanger and stepped into it, pulling the cool strap across her neck. The dress was backless, and she felt an anticipatory shiver of Pete’s warm hand resting against her shoulder blades.
Sasha gazed at herself in the mirror. She filled the dress out nicely. Her golden tan set off the whiteness of the dress and vice versa. The swell of her breasts were just evident for those who cared to enjoy the sight, and the folds of the dress embraced her flat belly and then swirled about her ankles – it was an evening dress copied from the fashions of 1934, after all. Her arms were not pipe-stems, but rather firm with a demonstrable bicep – she was an avid swimmer and tennis player and she needed muscles.
Pete returned to her side, his own dressing complete. He wore black shoes, their uppers polished so well they shone like mirrors. His tuxedo was black, with a white cambric shirt and a white bow tie, and the white carnation in his boutonniere was fresh and standing at attention.

“Oh, baby,” he said, placing his hands on the smooth, firm skin of her shoulders and nuzzling her neck. “You look gorgeous. Do we really have to wait?”
“Just another couple of hours, my darling,” Sasha responded. “Now, where’s Asta?”
They took a cab to Penn Station. The driver had raised an eyebrow at their appearance, and true to the chatty nature of cab drivers he asked them where they were going and what they were doing dressed like movie stars out for a night on the town…at two o’clock in the afternoon.
They had told him they were going on a murder mystery train, and sad to say the driver couldn’t identify who they were supposed to be…they didn’t enlighten him.
They decanted at Penn Station. Their re-enactment of a scene from their favorite movie was further marred by the fact that there were no porters to be had…it was self service all the way. But they’d been aware that would happen, and Pete tipped his top-hat to a rakish tilt and then pushed their baggage-laden trolley ahead of him with a fine insouciance. Meantime, Sasha pulled her own little trolley on wheels on which a realistic wire-haired fox terrier toy-dog stood.
“This really destroys the ambiance we’re trying to create,” she grumbled. “No live dogs. No smoking. Afternoon instead of evening.”
“Now, dear,” spoke Pete, trying his best to do a William Powell accent, “We know that live dogs wouldn’t have been allowed in 1934, either. Remember in Song of the Thing Man they had to ride with Asta in the baggage car. Before that they probably just snuck him into their sleeper, and we can’t risk getting caught. It’ll put a crimp in our afternoon delight.”
“We should have risked it,” Sasha grumbled. “Add a little spice to this caper.”
“I’ll be adding a little spice to this caper in another hour or so,” Pete said meaningfully.
They acquired quite a few glances from people on the platform as they walked by to their own, first class car, but no one approached them. They handed their tickets to a conductor and he escorted them to their bedroom compartment.
The bedroom consisted of a huge picture window, through which they could gaze at the scenery passing by, upper and lower berths – the upper berth folded flat against the wall, ready to be lowered at the touch of a button, an armchair and sofa which could be converted to a lower berth, as well as a private toilet and shower.
They sat opposite each other across a table. From her suitcase, Sasha removed a tea service, placing cups and saucers on the table for herself and Pete. Into both cups she poured a measure of gin from a teapot.
They raised their cups.
“Here’s looking at you, kid,” said Pete, in a Bogart accent.
It was from the wrong movie, but Sasha didn’t correct him. “Here’s mud in your eye,” she responded.
They sipped their gin.
They were on the Lake Shore Limited (or Late Shore Limited, as it was affectionately known, owing to a propensity for it to always arrive at least an hour late at its ultimate destination, Chicago,)
And that’s where Pete and Sasha were going…ultimate destination, Mount Rushmore…but that would be a different train and a different movie.
The Lake Shore Limited did run on the same tracks that had once borne the famous 20th Century Limited, an express passenger train that had run from 1902 to 1967, once called the "Most Famous Train in the World".
The journey then had taken 16 hours, departing New York City westbound at 6:00 P.M. Eastern Time and arriving at Chicago's LaSalle St. Station the following morning at 9:00 A.M. Central Time., averaging 60 miles per hour.
The 20th Century had been famous for its style, "spectacularly understated ... suggesting exclusivity and sophistication" as the pundits had termed it.
“Here we go,” Sasha said, as there was a jerk, and the train began to move silently down the tracks and through the industrial portion of the city.
After finishing her gin, Sasha examined the plate glass window. It did have a louvered window treatment.
“What do you think, Pete?” she asked. “Should we louver out the rest of the world, or leave it open so we can gaze out at the scenery while we….”
“Once we get out of the city,” he said, “there’ll be no one to see. Let’s leave it open.”
Sasha smiled.
“Have some more gin,” suggested Pete. He lifted up the teapot.
“Just a little bit for me,” said Sasha. “I’m already feeling pretty loose and ready to go….”
Pete brought a CD boom box out of his suitcase and turned it on, and soft jazz by Duke Ellington bounced around the room.
Sasha sipped her gin and swayed her body to the music as Pete converted their lower berth to a bed, complete with white linen sheets.
He stood back and looked at it critically. “It’s going to be a narrow fit,” he said.
“Part of the charm,” said Sasha. “Come and undress me, darling.”
“I love this dress,” Pete murmured as he obliged. “It’s so easy to remove it.”
She stepped out of her dress and he laid it gently to one side. Then he took her and pushed her body – still clad in lace bra and panties, down onto the narrow bed.
He took off his own tuxedo jacket and slacks, and joined her on the bed clad only in his white tie and his white silk shorts.
For several minutes they simply lay side-by-side and kissed, lips only to start with, then deeper and deeper, until their tongues were dancing a gavotte with each other.
Pete grasped first one and then the other of Sasha’s wrists and pushed them up above her head, then held them there with one hand while he nibbled on the inner part of one arm.
“Mmmmmm,” murmured Sasha.
He raised a leg and moved over to straddle her, now kissing her eyes, her nose, her cheeks. He released her hands and raised her up slightly, so he could unclasp her bra and toss it aside. Then he began o suck on first one nipple and then the other.
“Ah, god,” murmured Sasha. She brought her hands down and wrapped her fingers in Pete’s hair, trying to push him down toward her aching crotch.
Pete reached down and grabbed her panties. She arced her back and lifted a leg and then the panties were gone. He continued to suck a nipple while he reached down and placed his other hand between her legs. The feeling of the wetness there excited him and he drove his ring finger deep inside her. Her back arced again, she pushed at his head, wanting him to go down further and work magic with his tongue.
Instead he continued to tease her. He reached up, seized her hand, and guided it down to his cock, poking out of the white silk. She began to rub it in time to his own timing of finger going in and out of her vagina. He abandoned her nipples and went up to kiss her, long deep kisses.
Soon the effect of her firm hand on his cock became unbearable. He reached down, removed her hand from his cock and guided it into her vagina…deep, deep. Then he began thrusting.
He raised up a bit so he could watch her face…her eyes were closed and her tongue was between her lips. She moved beneath him, thrusting her hips up against his. She ran her hands over his back, down to his hips…then up to his pecs.
Her eyes opened and she gazed up at him…. “Almost there,” she gritted. “Don’t stop..”
He continued to thrust himself deep within her, willing her to come quickly because he knew he was about to come…and then suddenly it happened and the wracking pleasure shook his legs and belly…
“Ummm,” he murmured, relaxing, remaining inside her, bearing most of his weight on his knees as he crouched on top of her.
The sound of the wheels along the rails…click…click…click, and the rhythmic motion of the train was an aphrodisiac…a few minutes later he had recovered enough to start thrusting again, while his very supple wife rested her legs on either of his shoulders as he went in deeper and deeper until he felt her shudder beneath him.
Then, he lowered her legs down, and lay beside her, and rested his head against hers, and slept.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Hall of the Mountain King ch 9
Pete nodded, and took her hand as they walked out of the store. “Okay.”
Michele Bravo finished typing the last sentence, then saved the file and closed her word processing program. She still had another chapter to go in the opening story of the new erotica series which she had just conceived, which she was cleverly calling Dighton & Forrest (Dighton & Forrest being the murderers in Shakespeare’s play, Richard III) but she was feeling tired and the creative muse was leaving her. Not to mention, she always felt horny after writing the climax portion of her erotic stories, and she wanted to save that for the next night, too!
She switched off her laptop and placed it on the night table.
“Night, Fitz.”
Fitz, still engrossed in Lace Making Through the Images, gave her a smile. Michele turned on her side and slithered down under the covers until she reached a comfortable spot. Seconds later she was asleep.
The next day, Michele and Fitz bade Front Royal and its environs farewell and drove the 30 odd miles to Luray, where they found and checked into another Bed and Breakfast. Then they visited the Luray Caverns.
Unlike the Skyline Caverns, the tour of the Luray Caverns was self-directed – they were given headsets and little digital tape recorders and sent on their way.
“Wow…” said Michele as they walked along. “Just…wow.”
The Skyline Caverns had had hardly any stalactites and stalagmites…one or two. The Luray Caverns were full of them, as well as plenty of “draperies,” and a very large mirror lake…twice as large as the one at Skyline. The caverns were more impressive in every way. The only thing the Skyline Caverns had that Luray didn’t were the anthodites.
Fitz nodded. “Now, this is a cavern,” he pointed out.
But there was more. The cost of admission included entrance to the adjacent Car and Carriage Caravan Museum, with over two-dozen ancient cars, from a Model T to a Stanley Steamer to a Black Maria to a Franklin to a Bugatti. Fitz, a car lover, looked over each of the exhibits avidly. Michele, more interested in history, was fascinated by how the car designs changed over time, until she got to the Rolls Royce 1925 Silver Ghost town car, with which she fell in love. It had once belonged to Rudolph Valentino and had a faux-alligator paint job that looked absolutely gorgeous.
After they were through with the caverns, Fitz and Michele wandered around the town of Luray. Michele snapped photos, and they wandered into a few antique stores. In one of these antique stores, Michele’s eye was caught by a poster on a community message board by the front door.
HELP SAVE OUR BATTLEFIELD! ran the headline.
The gist of the poster was that the owners of Cooper Farm, in a town near New Market, were holding an ice cream social that weekend to raise money to fund their bid to save their land. A huge chain store wanted to buy their property to put up a store, and the local government was threatening to use eminent domain to seize it. A store would bring in more tax revenue than their farm…never mind the fact that the farm had been in the Cooper family since the early 1800s. But they had recently come across some Civil War artifacts – a few rifles, a cannon ball, and some bones, on their property, which led them to believe some battle…or more likely a skirmish, had taken place on their land. They were hoping that that historical significance might be enough to save their land, but they needed to conduct research and that was going to take time, more time than the town fathers were prepared to give them.
“Well, isn’t that just a kick in the butt,” said Michele. “I hate this eminent domain crap. That shouldn’t be allowed to happen in the US of A.”
Fitz shrugged. “They’re fighting a losing battle. When it comes to taxes, what the government wants the government gets.”
“Yes…well, since we’re not going to be here this weekend, let’s stop in there tomorrow on our way to the next cavern on our list, okay? I’ll interview them, give a little publicity to their plight…”
“Sure,” said Fitz.
“In the meantime…speaking of ice cream…wasn’t there an ice cream parlor across the street?”
That evening, Fitz and Michele once more assumed their positions – sitting up in bed, laptops on bellies. Michele was again was watching The Thin Man – the sequel this time After the Thin Man, and working on the second chapter of her first Dighton & Forrest story.
Fitz had moved on from a documentary on lace making to one on the Mayan calendar.
And tomorrow…New Market and Endless Caverns.
Pete nodded, and took her hand as they walked out of the store. “Okay.”
Michele Bravo finished typing the last sentence, then saved the file and closed her word processing program. She still had another chapter to go in the opening story of the new erotica series which she had just conceived, which she was cleverly calling Dighton & Forrest (Dighton & Forrest being the murderers in Shakespeare’s play, Richard III) but she was feeling tired and the creative muse was leaving her. Not to mention, she always felt horny after writing the climax portion of her erotic stories, and she wanted to save that for the next night, too!
She switched off her laptop and placed it on the night table.
“Night, Fitz.”
Fitz, still engrossed in Lace Making Through the Images, gave her a smile. Michele turned on her side and slithered down under the covers until she reached a comfortable spot. Seconds later she was asleep.
The next day, Michele and Fitz bade Front Royal and its environs farewell and drove the 30 odd miles to Luray, where they found and checked into another Bed and Breakfast. Then they visited the Luray Caverns.
Unlike the Skyline Caverns, the tour of the Luray Caverns was self-directed – they were given headsets and little digital tape recorders and sent on their way.
“Wow…” said Michele as they walked along. “Just…wow.”
The Skyline Caverns had had hardly any stalactites and stalagmites…one or two. The Luray Caverns were full of them, as well as plenty of “draperies,” and a very large mirror lake…twice as large as the one at Skyline. The caverns were more impressive in every way. The only thing the Skyline Caverns had that Luray didn’t were the anthodites.
Fitz nodded. “Now, this is a cavern,” he pointed out.
But there was more. The cost of admission included entrance to the adjacent Car and Carriage Caravan Museum, with over two-dozen ancient cars, from a Model T to a Stanley Steamer to a Black Maria to a Franklin to a Bugatti. Fitz, a car lover, looked over each of the exhibits avidly. Michele, more interested in history, was fascinated by how the car designs changed over time, until she got to the Rolls Royce 1925 Silver Ghost town car, with which she fell in love. It had once belonged to Rudolph Valentino and had a faux-alligator paint job that looked absolutely gorgeous.
After they were through with the caverns, Fitz and Michele wandered around the town of Luray. Michele snapped photos, and they wandered into a few antique stores. In one of these antique stores, Michele’s eye was caught by a poster on a community message board by the front door.
HELP SAVE OUR BATTLEFIELD! ran the headline.
The gist of the poster was that the owners of Cooper Farm, in a town near New Market, were holding an ice cream social that weekend to raise money to fund their bid to save their land. A huge chain store wanted to buy their property to put up a store, and the local government was threatening to use eminent domain to seize it. A store would bring in more tax revenue than their farm…never mind the fact that the farm had been in the Cooper family since the early 1800s. But they had recently come across some Civil War artifacts – a few rifles, a cannon ball, and some bones, on their property, which led them to believe some battle…or more likely a skirmish, had taken place on their land. They were hoping that that historical significance might be enough to save their land, but they needed to conduct research and that was going to take time, more time than the town fathers were prepared to give them.
“Well, isn’t that just a kick in the butt,” said Michele. “I hate this eminent domain crap. That shouldn’t be allowed to happen in the US of A.”
Fitz shrugged. “They’re fighting a losing battle. When it comes to taxes, what the government wants the government gets.”
“Yes…well, since we’re not going to be here this weekend, let’s stop in there tomorrow on our way to the next cavern on our list, okay? I’ll interview them, give a little publicity to their plight…”
“Sure,” said Fitz.
“In the meantime…speaking of ice cream…wasn’t there an ice cream parlor across the street?”
That evening, Fitz and Michele once more assumed their positions – sitting up in bed, laptops on bellies. Michele was again was watching The Thin Man – the sequel this time After the Thin Man, and working on the second chapter of her first Dighton & Forrest story.
Fitz had moved on from a documentary on lace making to one on the Mayan calendar.
And tomorrow…New Market and Endless Caverns.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Erotica By Bravo. Dighton & Forrest #1 - Asta's Mastas
Erotica By Bravo. Dighton & Forrest #1 - Asta's Mastas
Chapter #1 of 2
Although their last names were Dighton and Forrest, Pete and Sasha had been happily married for a couple of years. But Sasha Forrest had made her fame with her maiden name, and was loathe to give it up.
As Pete drove them toward the theater , where they were to attend the production of a play for which Sasha had designed the costumes, they passed by a sign…a black sign covered with hearts and in red lettering, Fun & Games.
Pete glanced over at his wife. “Hey, Sasha…we’ve got time. Want to go in there?”
“That’s an adult novelty shop!” she told him, with mock severity.
“Yeah…you mean to say you’ve never been in one?”
“I have visited one…not that particular one…to pick up a vibrator. And I don’t deny that I allowed my gaze to wander over the …novelties…on the racks…but I never felt the need to buy any of that stuff.”
“Well, let’s just look around, okay?”
Sasha frowned. She didn’t like where this was heading.
“Pete…you’re not getting…bored…with our sex life, are you?”
“No, not at all,” he said quickly, giving her shoulder a quick rub. “I just want to look around, that’s all.”
They entered the store. It was divided into two halves. One had “furniture,” such as swings, and clothing – sexy nighties. No bondage gear that Sasha could see and for which she was duly grateful. Ever since she and Pete had taken to watching CSI and its spin-offs she’d been introduced to more sexual perversions then she’d ever before known existed.
“Perversion?” Pete had protested, when she’d expressed her opinion of people who liked to dress up as horses and riders, although that had been an episode of Bones, she remembered, not CSI.
“Yes,” she had stated definitely. “Sex is about joy and pleasure. An activity where one party enjoys getting tortured or acting like an animal and the other party enjoys delivering that torture or being master to that animal…that’s not joy or pleasure. They need professional help!”
“It must be a really popular thing if they’re actually doing a whole Bones ep about it,” Pete had observed.
Sasha had shrugged. “What consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes…or should I say stables?... is their own business, of course. But that…that’s a sad business. There can’t be anything joyful or…innocent..about it.”
“Innocent sex?” Pete had laughed.
“It might not be possible to have “innocent” sex,” said Sasha, struggling to put into words how she felt, “but it should be possible to make love in an “innocent” way. Having sex and making love are two different things, you know.”
Before they could continue that conversation the next episode of Bones had started (for it had been a marathon) and they’d fallen silent as the episode began, and never picked it up again.
Now she followed Pete into the other half of the store, the one that had the toys - vibrators of various shapes and sizes, dildos, anal beads, cock rings as well as lotions and unguents guaranteed to heighten and prolong orgasm. Every single one was in packaging that seemed to have a beautiful blond grinning out lasciviously..dare she say, salaciously, Sasha wondered? No joy there, either, she thought.
Pete picked up a couple of anal beads and looked at them curiously. “Well, what do you think?” he said.
“I think that if you get one of those things stuck up your ass, as I’ve heard can happen, you’ll have a very uncomfortable ride and a very embarrassing half hour with a proctologist.”
“Yeah,” said Pete, putting them back. His eyes fell on a huge dildo and he averted his gaze.
“Look, Pete, we don’t need this stuff. It’s like the diet industry. Companies are making millions selling drugs and stuff to people to lose weight, when all they have to do is practice portion control and ride a bike half an hour a day.”
“You’re saying if we ride a bike half an hour a day it will improve our sex life?”
She poked him with a grin. “No. I’m saying all this stuff to heighten orgasm. Bushwa. I think we can do it without any of this stuff. I’ve got an idea how we can add some spice to our sex life. Let’s talk about it after the play, okay?”
Pete nodded, and took her hand as they walked out of the store. “O
Chapter #1 of 2
Although their last names were Dighton and Forrest, Pete and Sasha had been happily married for a couple of years. But Sasha Forrest had made her fame with her maiden name, and was loathe to give it up.
As Pete drove them toward the theater , where they were to attend the production of a play for which Sasha had designed the costumes, they passed by a sign…a black sign covered with hearts and in red lettering, Fun & Games.
Pete glanced over at his wife. “Hey, Sasha…we’ve got time. Want to go in there?”
“That’s an adult novelty shop!” she told him, with mock severity.
“Yeah…you mean to say you’ve never been in one?”
“I have visited one…not that particular one…to pick up a vibrator. And I don’t deny that I allowed my gaze to wander over the …novelties…on the racks…but I never felt the need to buy any of that stuff.”
“Well, let’s just look around, okay?”
Sasha frowned. She didn’t like where this was heading.
“Pete…you’re not getting…bored…with our sex life, are you?”
“No, not at all,” he said quickly, giving her shoulder a quick rub. “I just want to look around, that’s all.”
They entered the store. It was divided into two halves. One had “furniture,” such as swings, and clothing – sexy nighties. No bondage gear that Sasha could see and for which she was duly grateful. Ever since she and Pete had taken to watching CSI and its spin-offs she’d been introduced to more sexual perversions then she’d ever before known existed.
“Perversion?” Pete had protested, when she’d expressed her opinion of people who liked to dress up as horses and riders, although that had been an episode of Bones, she remembered, not CSI.
“Yes,” she had stated definitely. “Sex is about joy and pleasure. An activity where one party enjoys getting tortured or acting like an animal and the other party enjoys delivering that torture or being master to that animal…that’s not joy or pleasure. They need professional help!”
“It must be a really popular thing if they’re actually doing a whole Bones ep about it,” Pete had observed.
Sasha had shrugged. “What consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes…or should I say stables?... is their own business, of course. But that…that’s a sad business. There can’t be anything joyful or…innocent..about it.”
“Innocent sex?” Pete had laughed.
“It might not be possible to have “innocent” sex,” said Sasha, struggling to put into words how she felt, “but it should be possible to make love in an “innocent” way. Having sex and making love are two different things, you know.”
Before they could continue that conversation the next episode of Bones had started (for it had been a marathon) and they’d fallen silent as the episode began, and never picked it up again.
Now she followed Pete into the other half of the store, the one that had the toys - vibrators of various shapes and sizes, dildos, anal beads, cock rings as well as lotions and unguents guaranteed to heighten and prolong orgasm. Every single one was in packaging that seemed to have a beautiful blond grinning out lasciviously..dare she say, salaciously, Sasha wondered? No joy there, either, she thought.
Pete picked up a couple of anal beads and looked at them curiously. “Well, what do you think?” he said.
“I think that if you get one of those things stuck up your ass, as I’ve heard can happen, you’ll have a very uncomfortable ride and a very embarrassing half hour with a proctologist.”
“Yeah,” said Pete, putting them back. His eyes fell on a huge dildo and he averted his gaze.
“Look, Pete, we don’t need this stuff. It’s like the diet industry. Companies are making millions selling drugs and stuff to people to lose weight, when all they have to do is practice portion control and ride a bike half an hour a day.”
“You’re saying if we ride a bike half an hour a day it will improve our sex life?”
She poked him with a grin. “No. I’m saying all this stuff to heighten orgasm. Bushwa. I think we can do it without any of this stuff. I’ve got an idea how we can add some spice to our sex life. Let’s talk about it after the play, okay?”
Pete nodded, and took her hand as they walked out of the store. “O
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Hall of the King ch 8
“Jeez Louise,” said Fitz as he peered at a traffic sign that seemed
to have every highway in the world displayed on it – 6 across and 6
down, with various arrows pointing in the directions in which they could
be found – except the one they wanted.
“Where the hell’s 340?” he said. He had no choice, there were cars behind him. He accelerated and went through the now green light and continued down the road.
“I didn’t see it,” Michele acknowledged, “but the sign we saw just before that one said 340 was in this direction. Didn’t it?”
“I sure thought it did,” said Fitz. “Oh, lookie, now we’ve got construction.”
“Drive on as far as the construction goes,” Michelle suggested, “and if we don’t come across 340 by that time, let’s turn around. We’ll grab some lunch at that KFC we just passed and find out where the hell we are.”
Fitz nodded. They did not come across 340, or a sign for it, let a sign pointing them toward the Skyline Caverns, which they would have accepted as well, so he did a U-turn as soon as the one-lane traffic caused by construction – well, caused by cones, there were no construction people in sight – petered out, and retraced their steps.
“You sure you want KFC?” he asked. “I thought we were only going to eat at local restaurants and cafes on this trip.”
“Except if we go in search of a local restaurant we may get even further lost,” said Michele. “Anyway, this is an emergency.”
Fitz grinned and they went inside.
It had started out all right. They’d been following the directions Michele had printed from Mapquest, and were within a few miles of the Skyline Caverns according to those directions. The caverns were adjacent to the town of Front Royal. Then she’d seen a sign advertising Front Royal’s Visitor Center, and decided she wanted to visit that first, to stock up on brochures. Fitz had obliging turned the car to follow the arrow.
She’d expected the Visitor's Center to be within a block or two of the sign, the way they normally were, but they ended up driving all the way into the middle of town, several times thinking they must have driven past it, before seeing another sign with an arrow urging them ever onward.
The Visitor’s Center was a large building, with one room given over to showing antiques, the other lined floor-to-ceiling with brochure racks. Michele had stocked up happily.
They’d also picked up a map of the town, an 11 X 17 sheet of paper with the map of the town in the center and lists of attractions, accommodations and restaurants bordering it on either side. Fitz now poured over this they ate their KFC.
“There sure are a lot of vineyards in this area,” he commented. “Any interest in seeing them?”
“Not really. I picked up their brochures…I’ll mention them in my articles, but I don't want to dwell on them. Civil war stuff and caverns, that’s the main point of this exercise.”
“Well, there’s Belle Boyd’s Cottage, and the Warren Rifles Confederate Museum,” Fitz said. “And here’s the Caverns.” He placed an index finger on them. “Now, where the heck are we? Ah..this is the road we’re on. Now I’ve got it.”
After a relaxing lunch which allowed them to ease their frustration, they got back on the road again.
“Many years ago,” mused Michele, “I visited my sister in England – she was living in Oxford at the time – and we decided to drive into Wales to see castles. I had a list of castles and the roads they were supposed to be on, but we didn’t bother to do much preparation because we figured there’d be signs everywhere. So we drove into these towns, and there’d be like one sign at the very entrance of the town, saying “Castle this way,” or something, and then we’d drive and drive and drive and never see another sign, until we’d driven clean through the town. Then we’d turn around and all of a sudden there were signs galore. We always assumed that the signs were situated for the convenience of people coming from London – since that’s where most tourists probably come from – and we of course were driving in from Oxford, where the locals presumably lived.”
They found Skyline Caverns with no further difficulty. Michele unlimbered her camera and began photo-taking outside, starting with the large sign luring people in from the road. It flanked a historical marker which stated:
Near here Stonewall Jackson
Was met by the spy Belle Boyd
And informed of the position
Of the Union troops at Front
Royal, May 23, 1862. Jackson
Was advancing northward, at-
tempting to get between Banks’
army and Winchester

They took the guided tour through the cavern. The main attraction was a formation that was unique to this cave – anthocites. No other cave in the world had this delicate, spiky, beautiful formation. After finishing with the caverns they took the miniature train ride, and then went through the Mirror Maze, an attraction strictly for small children, Michele concluded.
“Let’s check into a B&B here for the night,” Michele said. “And explore the rest of the town and surrounding area. In particular Belle Boyd's Cottage and that Confederate Museum. Then we can go on to Luray tomorrow. So, one cavern, and one town, a day.”
Fitz nodded. “You’re the boss.”

"I am," said Michele, smirking in her best imitation of Steve Ihnat's Garth of Izar from Star Trek. "I certainly am."
Late that evening, after Michele had downloaded and formatted all her photos and written outlines of the articles she'd write about what she'd seen, she relaxed in bed with Fitz. They both had their laptops on their knees and headsets over their ears. Fitz was watching a documentary on lacemaking through the ages, while Michele was simultaneously watching one of her favorite movies, The Thin Man (starring William Powell and Myrna Loy) and working on her next erotic story…

“Where the hell’s 340?” he said. He had no choice, there were cars behind him. He accelerated and went through the now green light and continued down the road.
“I didn’t see it,” Michele acknowledged, “but the sign we saw just before that one said 340 was in this direction. Didn’t it?”
“I sure thought it did,” said Fitz. “Oh, lookie, now we’ve got construction.”
“Drive on as far as the construction goes,” Michelle suggested, “and if we don’t come across 340 by that time, let’s turn around. We’ll grab some lunch at that KFC we just passed and find out where the hell we are.”
Fitz nodded. They did not come across 340, or a sign for it, let a sign pointing them toward the Skyline Caverns, which they would have accepted as well, so he did a U-turn as soon as the one-lane traffic caused by construction – well, caused by cones, there were no construction people in sight – petered out, and retraced their steps.
“You sure you want KFC?” he asked. “I thought we were only going to eat at local restaurants and cafes on this trip.”
“Except if we go in search of a local restaurant we may get even further lost,” said Michele. “Anyway, this is an emergency.”
Fitz grinned and they went inside.
It had started out all right. They’d been following the directions Michele had printed from Mapquest, and were within a few miles of the Skyline Caverns according to those directions. The caverns were adjacent to the town of Front Royal. Then she’d seen a sign advertising Front Royal’s Visitor Center, and decided she wanted to visit that first, to stock up on brochures. Fitz had obliging turned the car to follow the arrow.
She’d expected the Visitor's Center to be within a block or two of the sign, the way they normally were, but they ended up driving all the way into the middle of town, several times thinking they must have driven past it, before seeing another sign with an arrow urging them ever onward.
The Visitor’s Center was a large building, with one room given over to showing antiques, the other lined floor-to-ceiling with brochure racks. Michele had stocked up happily.
They’d also picked up a map of the town, an 11 X 17 sheet of paper with the map of the town in the center and lists of attractions, accommodations and restaurants bordering it on either side. Fitz now poured over this they ate their KFC.
“There sure are a lot of vineyards in this area,” he commented. “Any interest in seeing them?”
“Not really. I picked up their brochures…I’ll mention them in my articles, but I don't want to dwell on them. Civil war stuff and caverns, that’s the main point of this exercise.”
“Well, there’s Belle Boyd’s Cottage, and the Warren Rifles Confederate Museum,” Fitz said. “And here’s the Caverns.” He placed an index finger on them. “Now, where the heck are we? Ah..this is the road we’re on. Now I’ve got it.”
After a relaxing lunch which allowed them to ease their frustration, they got back on the road again.
“Many years ago,” mused Michele, “I visited my sister in England – she was living in Oxford at the time – and we decided to drive into Wales to see castles. I had a list of castles and the roads they were supposed to be on, but we didn’t bother to do much preparation because we figured there’d be signs everywhere. So we drove into these towns, and there’d be like one sign at the very entrance of the town, saying “Castle this way,” or something, and then we’d drive and drive and drive and never see another sign, until we’d driven clean through the town. Then we’d turn around and all of a sudden there were signs galore. We always assumed that the signs were situated for the convenience of people coming from London – since that’s where most tourists probably come from – and we of course were driving in from Oxford, where the locals presumably lived.”
They found Skyline Caverns with no further difficulty. Michele unlimbered her camera and began photo-taking outside, starting with the large sign luring people in from the road. It flanked a historical marker which stated:
Near here Stonewall Jackson
Was met by the spy Belle Boyd
And informed of the position
Of the Union troops at Front
Royal, May 23, 1862. Jackson
Was advancing northward, at-
tempting to get between Banks’
army and Winchester
They took the guided tour through the cavern. The main attraction was a formation that was unique to this cave – anthocites. No other cave in the world had this delicate, spiky, beautiful formation. After finishing with the caverns they took the miniature train ride, and then went through the Mirror Maze, an attraction strictly for small children, Michele concluded.
“Let’s check into a B&B here for the night,” Michele said. “And explore the rest of the town and surrounding area. In particular Belle Boyd's Cottage and that Confederate Museum. Then we can go on to Luray tomorrow. So, one cavern, and one town, a day.”
Fitz nodded. “You’re the boss.”
"I am," said Michele, smirking in her best imitation of Steve Ihnat's Garth of Izar from Star Trek. "I certainly am."
Late that evening, after Michele had downloaded and formatted all her photos and written outlines of the articles she'd write about what she'd seen, she relaxed in bed with Fitz. They both had their laptops on their knees and headsets over their ears. Fitz was watching a documentary on lacemaking through the ages, while Michele was simultaneously watching one of her favorite movies, The Thin Man (starring William Powell and Myrna Loy) and working on her next erotic story…

Sunday, July 22, 2012
Hall of the Mountain King ch 7
Fredericksburg, Virginia is nestled along the Rappahannock River,
with some beautiful views of the wilderness beyond, depending on where
you lived. Fitz’s apartment was relatively small – a two bedroom, but it
looked out over both the river and the historic district and cost him a
pretty penny.
The city was located 50 miles south of Washington, D.C., and 58 miles north of Richmond, Virginia. A relatively small city – only about 20,000 people, it is a bedroom community – most of its inhabitants commute by car, bus or train to Arlington, Washington or Richmond.
Fitz was an archivist for the Smithsonian Institution, and he had asked a few favors in order to get the rest of the week off so he could travel with Michele through the limestone cavern country of Northern Virginia. He’d have his work cut out for him once he returned, but…. He rolled over in bed and looked at Michele’s sleeping form. It’d be worth it.
Fitz rolled out of bed and padded into the bathroom, where he took a shower, shaved, brushed his teeth, and felt ready to face the day. When he came out, he found Michele up, dressed in the sleeveless grey t-shirt and men’s grey pajama bottoms that were her sleeping attire. She was seated in front of her laptop, busily printing out driving directions.
“Feel like breakfast?” he asked her.
“Scrambled eggs and sausage would be great,” she said.
“Eggs mixed with cheese and onion, right, and maple syrup for your sausage.”
“You’ve got a good memory, Fitz.”
“Of course.”
After printing out the final set of instructions, Michele walked into the kitchen and watched while Fitz busied himself with frying pans.
“I love your cooking,” she told him, giving him an appreciative hug, from the back of course so it wouldn’t distract his attention from the food.
“Thank you,” he said, “I love that you love my cooking.”
After breakfast, Michele did her part, loading the dishwasher and getting it started.
“Do you want to wait until these are done, or are we ready to start now?” she asked.
“Sure, let’s head on out.”
Five minutes later, suitcases were stowed in the trunk of Michele’s car, and they set out for their first destination, Skyline Caverns, Virginia.
“Would you mind driving, Fitz? I want to be able to take notes and photograph all the scenery that we pass.”
Fitz, who commuted to the Smithsonian via train because he didn’t have a car, agreed with alacrity.
It was an hour and a half drive from Fredericksburg northwest to the Skyline Caverns in Front Royal. They traveled in relative silence….Fitz turned on a soft rock station that played music from the 60s through the 80s, and this helped while away the time while Michele concentrated on the scenery through which they passed and took photos of interesting signs.
“Why’d you take a picture of that?” he asked curiously, as out of the corner of his eye he saw her take a photo of one of the blue signs they passed. It had once informed travelers of what kind of food they could find on that exit, but now there were only four bright blue spots surrounded by faded blue.
Michele shrugged. “ I’ve passed quite a lot of these signs in the last few months, and it’s just so tragic. For decades travelers knew there’d be food there….some mom and pop restaurant, you know? Or some tourist stop…some museum or something…closed now because tourism is down…what, like 50%?”
“You’re the travel expert,” Fitz said.
“Yes, well, tourism is down 50%.” Michele said. “Who can afford to travel these days? Oh, the bigger attractions continue to get their visitors, but the sites on the way…the ones people would stop off at because of a whim…they are going under. It’s just sad.”
Fitz nodded grimly. “And probably going to get sadder still.”
“So I’m going to do what I can. Write a few articles about the places that have gone out of business, just to document that they once existed, and hopefully more articles about those that are still in business and deserve a visit.”
Fitz nodded again. “Sounds good.”
As he drove, Michele reflected that she was glad that she’d asked Fitz to accompany her. She was a loner by nature and enjoyed going places by herself, but when it came to collecting information for travel articles, someone to drive the car while she worked was invaluable. She’d never have been able to drive and take photos of things she’d been passing at the same time!
And although she enjoyed traveling alone, it was going to be nice to have someone with her to share the experiences they’d be having. To appreciate the beauty they’d be wandering through. And last but not least, there’d be some cuddling and kissing and probably at least one night of good sex.
Michele chuckled.
Fitz looked over at her. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing. I’m just glad you’re with me.”
He smiled at her, then returned his attention to the road.
The city was located 50 miles south of Washington, D.C., and 58 miles north of Richmond, Virginia. A relatively small city – only about 20,000 people, it is a bedroom community – most of its inhabitants commute by car, bus or train to Arlington, Washington or Richmond.
Fitz was an archivist for the Smithsonian Institution, and he had asked a few favors in order to get the rest of the week off so he could travel with Michele through the limestone cavern country of Northern Virginia. He’d have his work cut out for him once he returned, but…. He rolled over in bed and looked at Michele’s sleeping form. It’d be worth it.
Fitz rolled out of bed and padded into the bathroom, where he took a shower, shaved, brushed his teeth, and felt ready to face the day. When he came out, he found Michele up, dressed in the sleeveless grey t-shirt and men’s grey pajama bottoms that were her sleeping attire. She was seated in front of her laptop, busily printing out driving directions.
“Feel like breakfast?” he asked her.
“Scrambled eggs and sausage would be great,” she said.
“Eggs mixed with cheese and onion, right, and maple syrup for your sausage.”
“You’ve got a good memory, Fitz.”
“Of course.”
After printing out the final set of instructions, Michele walked into the kitchen and watched while Fitz busied himself with frying pans.
“I love your cooking,” she told him, giving him an appreciative hug, from the back of course so it wouldn’t distract his attention from the food.
“Thank you,” he said, “I love that you love my cooking.”
After breakfast, Michele did her part, loading the dishwasher and getting it started.
“Do you want to wait until these are done, or are we ready to start now?” she asked.
“Sure, let’s head on out.”
Five minutes later, suitcases were stowed in the trunk of Michele’s car, and they set out for their first destination, Skyline Caverns, Virginia.
“Would you mind driving, Fitz? I want to be able to take notes and photograph all the scenery that we pass.”
Fitz, who commuted to the Smithsonian via train because he didn’t have a car, agreed with alacrity.
It was an hour and a half drive from Fredericksburg northwest to the Skyline Caverns in Front Royal. They traveled in relative silence….Fitz turned on a soft rock station that played music from the 60s through the 80s, and this helped while away the time while Michele concentrated on the scenery through which they passed and took photos of interesting signs.
“Why’d you take a picture of that?” he asked curiously, as out of the corner of his eye he saw her take a photo of one of the blue signs they passed. It had once informed travelers of what kind of food they could find on that exit, but now there were only four bright blue spots surrounded by faded blue.
Michele shrugged. “ I’ve passed quite a lot of these signs in the last few months, and it’s just so tragic. For decades travelers knew there’d be food there….some mom and pop restaurant, you know? Or some tourist stop…some museum or something…closed now because tourism is down…what, like 50%?”
“You’re the travel expert,” Fitz said.
“Yes, well, tourism is down 50%.” Michele said. “Who can afford to travel these days? Oh, the bigger attractions continue to get their visitors, but the sites on the way…the ones people would stop off at because of a whim…they are going under. It’s just sad.”
Fitz nodded grimly. “And probably going to get sadder still.”
“So I’m going to do what I can. Write a few articles about the places that have gone out of business, just to document that they once existed, and hopefully more articles about those that are still in business and deserve a visit.”
Fitz nodded again. “Sounds good.”
As he drove, Michele reflected that she was glad that she’d asked Fitz to accompany her. She was a loner by nature and enjoyed going places by herself, but when it came to collecting information for travel articles, someone to drive the car while she worked was invaluable. She’d never have been able to drive and take photos of things she’d been passing at the same time!
And although she enjoyed traveling alone, it was going to be nice to have someone with her to share the experiences they’d be having. To appreciate the beauty they’d be wandering through. And last but not least, there’d be some cuddling and kissing and probably at least one night of good sex.
Michele chuckled.
Fitz looked over at her. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing. I’m just glad you’re with me.”
He smiled at her, then returned his attention to the road.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Hall of the Mountain King ch 6
After he’d finished talking Mason to her, they walked into the
bathroom. While Michele turned on the water of the shower and adjusted
the knobs to get just the right water temperature, Fitz stood close
behind her, gently rolling up her T-shirt. “I wish you’d wear button up
shirts,” he told her. “It’s so much nicer to unbutton your shirt one
button at a time then to …” she lifted her arms and he skinned the
T-shirt over her head…”have to do that all the time.”
“I like T-shirts,” she murmured, licking her lips as his hands clasped her breasts over her bra, then moved to her back and unhooked it. He tossed it aside and then moved his hands in front again, cupping her breasts, squeezing ever so gently, as he nibbled the back of her neck.
He released her left breast and ran his hand down to her shorts, slipping his hand beneath the waistband and the cool smoothness of her waist, extending his fingers far enough so that he could brush the very top of her pubic hair with his fingers.
She shuddered in anticipatory pleasure.
He raised his hand back up and undid the button on her shorts, then brought both hands down and slid her shorts off her hips, down to her feet. She placed a hand on his shoulder and stepped out of them. He stood up again, rested his left hand on her belly, fingers spread and rubbing through her pubic hair, the other cupping her right breast, as he continued to nibble her neck.
Then moving slowly – he knew she liked it slow – he turned her around, and she began to unbutton his shirt. As he shrugged out of it her hands went down to unzip his jeans, and then he stepped out of them. His cock bounced up and she wrapped one hand around its firmness. She reached up her other hand and he handed her a condom, which she unrolled over his rock hard penis. Then she smiled at him, and stepped into the tub. He joined her, and they stood pressed together underneath the pelting spray.
Michele stood facing away from Fitz, feeling his condom-wrapped cock pressing against her buttocks, his pectorals pressing against her back, as he took up a bar of soap and began lathering her neck and shoulders, then moving it around and massaging/lathering her breasts, her belly, between her legs. He put the soap away and wiped her down with his hands, as the shower continued to pelt on their shoulders, then he pressed her forward slightly and she braced her hands against the wall and tilted her butt up.
He entered her firmly, deeply, his hands on her hips. He took it slow, thrusting each time as deep as he could go but very slowly, and as slowly pulling out. He was aiming for her G-spot…he knew she’d let him know when he found it.
Thrusting, in and out, in and out. Michele stood with her eyes closed, breathing deeply, eyes closed, imagining a young James Mason pleasuring her. Fitz’s breath became heavier and slower too, as he gazed down at his cock, framed by her beautiful firm buttocks, sliding in and out. Her moans of pleasures aroused him even more, as she pressed her buttocks back against him, wanting him to go deeper still.
“Ah, God,” she moaned…
He began to thrust faster and faster, his gaze locked on the beautiful sight beneath him, cock sliding in and out between two perfect spheres,
“Almost there,” murmured Michele.
He pressed his fingers into the flesh of her hips, held her even closer to him, ramming into her and grunting hoarsely as he came.
Finally, gasping, he released his hold on her waist and reached out for her breasts, straightening her a bit so he could massage them while he continued to thrust himself languidly into her. She reached back with her hands and wrapped her fingers in his hair…
Fitz withdrew himself, turned and let the shower wash off the condom and his cock as he unpeeled it. Michele turned as well and rubbed his back, nibbling on his shoulder blades.
Fitz turned the shower off, stepped out of the tub and helped her out also. He took two towels one for her and one for him, and they began to rub each other dry, each passing a towel around the back of the other and pulling from side to side as they kissed.
“Whew,” said Fitz, finally. “That was great.”
“Really great,” agreed Michele. “You haven’t lost your touch.”
Toweled dry, they walked hand in hand back into the bedroom, and crawled into the bed. Michele lay her head against Fitz’s chest, and he put an arm around his shoulders, and they drifted off to sleep.
“I like T-shirts,” she murmured, licking her lips as his hands clasped her breasts over her bra, then moved to her back and unhooked it. He tossed it aside and then moved his hands in front again, cupping her breasts, squeezing ever so gently, as he nibbled the back of her neck.
He released her left breast and ran his hand down to her shorts, slipping his hand beneath the waistband and the cool smoothness of her waist, extending his fingers far enough so that he could brush the very top of her pubic hair with his fingers.
She shuddered in anticipatory pleasure.
He raised his hand back up and undid the button on her shorts, then brought both hands down and slid her shorts off her hips, down to her feet. She placed a hand on his shoulder and stepped out of them. He stood up again, rested his left hand on her belly, fingers spread and rubbing through her pubic hair, the other cupping her right breast, as he continued to nibble her neck.
Then moving slowly – he knew she liked it slow – he turned her around, and she began to unbutton his shirt. As he shrugged out of it her hands went down to unzip his jeans, and then he stepped out of them. His cock bounced up and she wrapped one hand around its firmness. She reached up her other hand and he handed her a condom, which she unrolled over his rock hard penis. Then she smiled at him, and stepped into the tub. He joined her, and they stood pressed together underneath the pelting spray.
Michele stood facing away from Fitz, feeling his condom-wrapped cock pressing against her buttocks, his pectorals pressing against her back, as he took up a bar of soap and began lathering her neck and shoulders, then moving it around and massaging/lathering her breasts, her belly, between her legs. He put the soap away and wiped her down with his hands, as the shower continued to pelt on their shoulders, then he pressed her forward slightly and she braced her hands against the wall and tilted her butt up.
He entered her firmly, deeply, his hands on her hips. He took it slow, thrusting each time as deep as he could go but very slowly, and as slowly pulling out. He was aiming for her G-spot…he knew she’d let him know when he found it.
Thrusting, in and out, in and out. Michele stood with her eyes closed, breathing deeply, eyes closed, imagining a young James Mason pleasuring her. Fitz’s breath became heavier and slower too, as he gazed down at his cock, framed by her beautiful firm buttocks, sliding in and out. Her moans of pleasures aroused him even more, as she pressed her buttocks back against him, wanting him to go deeper still.
“Ah, God,” she moaned…
He began to thrust faster and faster, his gaze locked on the beautiful sight beneath him, cock sliding in and out between two perfect spheres,
“Almost there,” murmured Michele.
He pressed his fingers into the flesh of her hips, held her even closer to him, ramming into her and grunting hoarsely as he came.
Finally, gasping, he released his hold on her waist and reached out for her breasts, straightening her a bit so he could massage them while he continued to thrust himself languidly into her. She reached back with her hands and wrapped her fingers in his hair…
Fitz withdrew himself, turned and let the shower wash off the condom and his cock as he unpeeled it. Michele turned as well and rubbed his back, nibbling on his shoulder blades.
Fitz turned the shower off, stepped out of the tub and helped her out also. He took two towels one for her and one for him, and they began to rub each other dry, each passing a towel around the back of the other and pulling from side to side as they kissed.
“Whew,” said Fitz, finally. “That was great.”
“Really great,” agreed Michele. “You haven’t lost your touch.”
Toweled dry, they walked hand in hand back into the bedroom, and crawled into the bed. Michele lay her head against Fitz’s chest, and he put an arm around his shoulders, and they drifted off to sleep.
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