Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I have not forsaken you!

I appreciate all my loyal readers who are still subscribed waiting for me to continue this story.

And it shall be continued, I promise.

I just need to get caught up on some work related stuff, which shouldl not take too much longer...

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Never realized I hadn't posted in over 2 weeks!

Sorry, folks

Things have just gotten away from me the last week and a half...posting should be back on schedule starting this weekend.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Posting resumes Thursday

I know I've been saying this periodically but this will be the last time I say it...I'm visiting relatives and although they have Wi fi I don't have a private room to work.

I'll be home Thursaday and will get back into the swing of things then.