Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The First Day

Apologies to all my patient readers... I've been away from the previous story for so long that I just can't pick up the thread. But I've started a new one that is "burning within me"  ; )  so it won't take long to write so you'll get a complete story.

It was when the pilot announced that they were beginning their descent into Heathrow Airport that Shannon really started to get nervous.
She looked at her watch. Probably twenty minutes for the plane to actually get on the ground, another twenty minutes for it to taxi to the terminal, another twenty minutes before she could get off the plane, since she was seated far in the back.

Then…what? Twenty minutes….thirty…to get through Passport Control , collect her luggage, and go through Security?
Then, she’d be in Heathrow Airport.

And she’d have to find a place called the Meeting Point, where her employer would pick her up.
Where she’d meet him in person for the first time.

Shannon took a deep breath. There were so many possibilities swirling around in her mind…things that might happen, things she wanted to have happen, things she didn’t want to have happen…she knew what she wanted to have happen except for one thing…the fly in the ointment...her employer was married.
She’d worked for Stefan Rolf for a little over a year now. He’d hired her from an internet freelance service – he’d needed someone familiar with computer applications to take dictation and he'd chosen her after a Skype interview.

They’d gotten along well from the start.

What had attracted Shannon to him from the very beginning was his voice. Rolf was German, but had lived in England for 20 years, so overlaid over the tortuous Germanic construction of his sentences was an upper class English accent. .  the combination just…tripped her trigger, frankly.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Take your blood pressure medication

Spent most of yesterday in the hospital, where my mother was admitted. Her doctor had changed her blood pressure medication a couple of weeks ago, it wasn't doing the job. Unfortunately her doctor was out of town and a home therapist said we should take her to the Emergency Room.

Bad idea, as far as I'm concerned. Put her back on her old medication which was working, just causing her to cough.

Instead we brought her to the emergency room, and since she's old and deaf, this got her more stressed out and scared than ever, because they were all gathered around her shouting questions and wanting to run tests and I'm sure she thought she was dying or something, which sent her blood pressure even higher.

She spent the night there, and is still in today for more tests, which I don't think she needs but I guess since they've got her in there they want to get their money's worth out of our insurance...  she's in a private room which must be costing a fortune....

The reason for my headline... she was about 40 when she was first diagnosed with high blood pressure...took pills for a couple of days but didn't like how they made her feel....so she stopped taking them and tried to do the "natural remedy" thing.

Result, 20 years later she had congestive heart failure, and now instead of taking 1 pill a day she has to take 4. And has to go into the hospital periodically on occasions like these.

Moral of the story - go get your blood pressure checked, and if you have high blood pressure make sure you take your meds, otherwise believe me you'll wish you had, when it is too late...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Never get involved in a land war in Asia

and never agree to transcribe 20 hours of meetings from an Australian business meeting.

That's what I've been doing for the last 4 days...utter nightmare. Could NOT understand their accents. Making it worse were the bad audio levels and the fact that a lot of the people preesnt insisted on talking over each other from all around the room except in front of the microphone... I will never transcribe ANYTHING every again.

Anyway, so sorry to be MIA from my blogs.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Coming Feb 19

I can't believe how much time has passed since I last posted here, and I'm delighted that so many of my subscribers are still hanging in there. I appreciate it.

New chapter should be on line tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I have not forsaken you!

I appreciate all my loyal readers who are still subscribed waiting for me to continue this story.

And it shall be continued, I promise.

I just need to get caught up on some work related stuff, which shouldl not take too much longer...

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Never realized I hadn't posted in over 2 weeks!

Sorry, folks

Things have just gotten away from me the last week and a half...posting should be back on schedule starting this weekend.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Posting resumes Thursday

I know I've been saying this periodically but this will be the last time I say it...I'm visiting relatives and although they have Wi fi I don't have a private room to work.

I'll be home Thursaday and will get back into the swing of things then.